Fleshy – meaty nose job in Iran – Recovery & Cost 2024

Fleshy - meaty nose job in Iran

meaty nose job in Iran

“Fleshy Or meaty nose job in Iran ” is performed on noses with soft and thick tissue. In medical terms, noses with thicker skin and more sebaceous glands are called “meaty”. On the other hand, noses with thinner skin and more prominent bones and cartilages are called “bony”.

Types of meaty nose job in Iran:

Reduction meaty nose job in Iran: reducing the size of the nose and correcting the shape of the cartilage and nasal bone.

Augmentative meaty nose job in Iran: increasing the structure and support of the nose, sometimes using cartilage or bone grafting.

Tip-plasty meaty nose job in Iran: reshaping the tip of the nose, which can include working on the cartilages of the tip of the nose to create a desired appearance.

Important points in meaty nose job in Iran:

– Thick skin: Thick skin can make the changes made in the cartilage and bone less visible. For this reason, rhinoplasty may require higher skill.

– Longer swelling: swelling after surgery may be longer in fleshy noses.

– Final results: Due to the thickness of the skin, the final results may need more time to appear.

In general, rhinoplasty should be performed by an experienced and specialized surgeon in this field to increase the probability of achieving the desired results. It is very important to choose a surgeon carefully and fully consult about expectations and achievable goals.

Flesh noses usually have thicker skin and more soft tissue and may have relatively weaker cartilage.

In such cases, nose surgery is designed in such a way that:

1. Reduction of fatty tissue: through the removal of excess fatty tissue under the skin of the nose, which can shape the tip of the nose and other parts.
2. Cartilage augmentation: often by grafting cartilage from other parts of the body, such as the ear or ribs, to provide more support and better definition of the tip of the nose.
3. Reconstruction of nose angles: changing the angle of the nose to the upper lip and changing the shape of the tip of the nose to improve the fit of the nose with other facial features.
4. Shrinking the nostrils: If the nostrils are large, they can be made smaller to match the new size of the nose.

The main goals of nose reduction surgery are:

– Improving the fit of the nose with other facial features
– Creating a more natural and proportional appearance
– Increasing the patient’s self-confidence

After surgery, the recovery period can be variable and depends on factors such as age, general health status, type of surgery performed, and post-surgery instructions followed by the patient.

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Price of meaty nose job in Iran

  • The cost of meaty nose job in Iran is between 1100 and 3000 Euros
  • There is usually no need to stay in the hospital and you will be discharged 4 hours after the surgery.
  • If you are not a resident of Tehran, the duration of stay is 8 days

First time meaty nose job in Iran cost

1200 euros

including surgeon + hospital fee
Other costs related to Rhinoplasty in Tehran
Cost of blood test Between 10 and 15 euros The difference depends on the type of blood test
The cost of ultrasound or nasal CT Between 40 and 60 euros According to the surgeon’s order
The cost of consultation with a cardiologist Between 20 and 40 euros For people over 40 or heart patients
The cost of medicine and other health items Between 20 and 40 euros
Cost of plastic surgery in Tehran – Iran – optional
Nurse fee (per night) 30 euros If you are traveling alone
The cost of changing the dressing by the nurse 15 euros


  • If you have an underlying disease or medication, let us know
  • If you have already had rhinoplasty or a broken nose, the cost of the surgery will increase slightly
  • Let us know if you have anemia or other blood disorders
  • If you want ethnic rhinoplasty and need to reconstruct the nose with cartilage, the cost of the nose will increase.


Reduction meaty nose job in Iran

Rhinoplasty refers to a type of rhinoplasty (nose surgery) that aims to change the shape and reduce the size of noses with thick skin and large sebaceous glands. The term “fleshy” in this context refers to noses with thick skin and plenty of soft tissue, which may be less suited to other facial features.

In rhinoplasty for people with a fleshy nose, the surgeon tries to improve the appearance of the nose by using special techniques that suit the characteristics of the fleshy nose. Some of these techniques include:

1. Reducing the size of the tip of the nose: The surgeon may remove excess tissue from the tip of the nose to create a sharper and more defined tip.

2. Change the shape of the cartilages: the surgeon can reconstruct the cartilages of the tip of the nose or change their shape using techniques such as cutting and stitching.

3. Nostril reduction: Some patients may wish to have their nostrils smaller, which can be done through incisions in the skin around the nostrils.

Due to the thickness of the skin and the amount of soft tissue, the results of rhinoplasty in people with fleshy noses may be different from people with thinner skin and bony noses. Thick skin can make the details of the changes less visible and sometimes reduce the definition and transparency of the surgical results.

As in any other cosmetic surgery, it is very important to choose a skilled and experienced rhinoplasty surgeon who has experience working with fleshy noses.

The surgeon must be able to accurately assess the characteristics of the nose and determine the best surgical technique to achieve the desired results. Also, pre-surgery consultation is done by plastic surgeons to reduce the size and shape of fleshy noses, and this operation is called reduction rhinoplasty.


Augmentative meaty nose job in Iran

Augmentation rhinoplasty refers to a type of rhinoplasty in which, instead of reducing the structure of the nose, materials are added to it to improve the appearance of the nose. This type of operation is suitable for people who have fleshy noses and want to change the capacity of their nose. Meaty noses usually have thicker skin and more fatty tissue and therefore require greater structural changes.

In rhinoplasty, the surgeon uses various materials, such as artificial prostheses or tissue grafts from the patient (such as cartilage or bone from other parts of the body) to help shape the nose. These materials can be used to create a longer nose bridge, a more defined nose tip and desired angles.

Remember that before undergoing any surgery, it is essential to have a careful consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon to understand the goals, realistic expectations, and potential risks of the surgery. Also, you need to make sure you are in good overall health so that you can recover from the surgery in the best possible way.

Tip-plasty fleshy nose surgery

Tip-plasty is a specialized surgery that focuses on changing the shape and improving the appearance of the tip of the nose. This procedure is ideal for people with fleshy noses or noses with thick skin and soft texture, as the main changes are made to the tip of the nose, which is usually larger and less defined.

In Tip-plasty surgery, the surgeon can do the following:

– Strengthening the cartilage of the tip of the nose: by using cartilage grafts that may be removed from the patient’s ears or ribs, the cartilage of the tip of the nose is strengthened and shaped.
– Cartilage reconstruction and reshaping: The surgeon may cut, reshape, or sew together the cartilage in the tip of the nose to create a desired appearance.
– Reducing the width of the tip of the nose: it reduces the width of the tip of the nose by removing excess fat tissue and possibly soft tissue.
– Improving the angle of the tip of the nose: by changing the angle between the tip of the nose and the upper lip, it increases the beauty of the face.

This type of surgery may be performed alone or in combination with other rhinoplasty procedures to correct the overall shape of the nose. Tipoplasty is especially useful when the patient is satisfied with other parts of his nose and only needs corrections on the tip of the nose.

Tip-plasty methods can include the following:

– Closed Tip-plasty: In this method, incisions are made inside the nose so that the effect of the wound is invisible.

– Open Tip-plasty: Surgery is performed with a small incision in the columella (the skin between the two nostrils), which allows the surgeon to have a better view of the nasal structure.

As with any cosmetic surgery, it is important that patients are treated with skilled surgeons. . This category of noses is usually called “meat”. Tip-plasty can involve changes in the cartilages of the tip of the nose to create a more symmetrical shape that matches the rest of the face.

Procedures for fleshy nose Tip-plasty :

1. Initial consultation:

– Examining the general health of the patient.
– Determining the patient’s aesthetic goals and realistic expectations from surgery.
– Examining the structure of the nose and skin.

2. Surgical planning:

– Choosing the surgical method (open or closed).
– Determining the necessary changes in the tip of the nose and related cartilages.

3. Performing surgery:

– Patient anesthesia (usually general anesthesia).
– Making incisions (in the open method in the columella area and in the closed method inside the nose).
– Modifying the cartilaginous structure and soft tissues of the tip of the nose.
– Closing the incisions with stitches.

4. Recovery period:

– Following the instructions after surgery by the patient.
– Post-operative care such as using ice compresses and taking prescription drugs.
– Avoiding heavy activities and hitting the nose.
– Going to the doctor to remove stitches and follow-up.

5. Final results:

– The final appearance of the nose is usually visible after the complete subsidence of swelling and bruising within a few months.
– The results should correspond to the initial expectations that were set before the operation.


The difference between meat nose operation and bone nose operation

Rhinoplasty, known as rhinoplasty, is performed to modify the shape and structure of the nose and can be divided into two general categories: fleshy and bony noses. The main differences between fleshy and bony rhinoplasty relate to the skin type, the underlying structure of the nose, and the surgical techniques used.

fleshy nose:

Thicker skin: meaty noses usually have thicker skin and more fatty tissue.

Softer tissue: These types of noses may have softer cartilage that is less supportive.

– More limited changes: due to the greater thickness of the skin, some more detailed changes in the structure of the nose may not be clearly visible after the operation.

– Special techniques: Surgeons may use techniques that help improve the definition of the tip of the nose and reduce the thickness of the skin, such as removing excess fatty tissue or using cartilage grafts to reinforce the structure.

bony nose:

Thinner skin: bony noses usually have thinner skin and less fat.

– Stronger structure: The cartilage and bones of the nose are usually stronger, allowing the surgeon to make more precise changes.

– More obvious changes: the changes applied to the bone and cartilage are seen more and more clearly due to the thinner skin.

– Surgical techniques: Surgery may involve shaving and shaping the nasal bone or applying changes to the stronger cartilage, resulting in more subtle and precise changes in the shape of the nose.

Surgical techniques:

– Fleshy nose surgery: Focusing more on strengthening the cartilages and creating a better definition for nose surgery, which is known as rhinoplasty, is performed to modify the shape and structure of the nose and can be divided into two general categories of fleshy and bony noses. The main differences between fleshy and bony rhinoplasty relate to the skin type, the underlying structure of the nose, and the surgical techniques used.

Care after meaty nose job in Iran

Post rhinoplasty care is very important and can help with faster recovery and better results. Here are some general recommendations after rhinoplasty:

1. Adequate rest: Adequate rest is essential in the first days after surgery. Try to keep your head higher than your body to reduce swelling.

2. Medications: Take medications prescribed by your surgeon, such as antibiotics and pain relievers, carefully.

3. Cold compress: Using a cold compress can help reduce swelling and bruising. Avoid applying ice directly to the skin and use a towel or cloth as an intermediary.

4. Avoiding strenuous activities: Strenuous activities and sports that increase blood flow should be avoided for several weeks to avoid putting extra pressure on the nose.

5. Proper nutrition: eating healthy and nutritious foods can help the body heal. It is recommended to eat soft and easy-to-chew foods in the first days after surgery.

6. Drinking plenty of water: Sufficient body fluids can help speed up the healing process.

7. Avoid smoking: Smoking can reduce blood flow and slow healing.

8. Protection of the nose: Avoid hitting the nose and be careful not to put pressure on the nose while sleeping.

9. Follow your doctor’s instructions: Follow your nose surgeon’s instructions, including how to clean your nose and use prescribed ointments or drops.

10. Refer to post-surgery follow-ups: Refer to your post-surgery check-ups to check your recovery progress and resolve any possible problems.


Here are some key tips for meaty nose job in Iran recovery:

Immediately after surgery

Rest: After surgery, the body needs time to heal. Try to rest for at least 24 hours.
– Elevate your head: When sleeping or lying down, keep your head elevated using several pillows to reduce swelling and bruising.
– Use a cold compress: To reduce swelling, you can use a cold compress around the eyes and cheeks, but not directly on the nose.

In the first weeks

– Avoid heavy activities: Avoid heavy activities and sports that put a lot of pressure on the body for several weeks after surgery.
– Taking medicines: Take the medicines prescribed by your doctor carefully. This may include antibiotics to prevent infection and pain relievers to control pain.
– Have proper nutrition: eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals can help you recover. It is important to drink plenty of fluids and avoid salty foods that can increase swelling.

In the long run

– Protect your nose: Avoid hitting your nose and be careful not to damage your nose while wearing clothes.
Stop smoking: Smoking can slow the healing process and increase the risk of complications.
– Avoid sunlight: Exposure to sunlight can cause discoloration and further swelling.

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