Breast implant in Iran – Breast Prosthesis Cost & Recovery 2024

Breast implant in Iran - Breast Prosthesis

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Breast implant in Iran

Breast implant in Iran are medical devices that are surgically placed to enhance the size and shape of a person’s breasts. They are commonly used for breast augmentation in cosmetic surgery and for reconstructing the breast after mastectomy or injury. There are two main types of breast implants, which are defined by their filler material:

1. Silicone Gel Implants

These implants are filled with silicone gel. They are praised for their ability to mimic the feel of natural breast tissue. If a silicone implant leaks, the gel may remain within the implant shell or escape into the breast implant pocket. A leaking silicone gel implant might not collapse, and patients may not notice an issue, which is why regular check-ups with a healthcare provider are recommended.

2. Saline Implants

Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water. They are filled at the time of surgery to allow for a minor adjustment in implant size. If a saline breast implant ruptures, the implant will collapse, and the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body.


– Structured Saline Implants: These have an inner structure to make the implant feel more natural than traditional saline implants.
– Cohesive Gel Silicone Implants: Also known as “gummy bear” or “form-stable” implants, these maintain their shape even if the implant shell is breached because the silicone gel is thicker.
– Autologous Fat Transfer: This involves the use of liposuction to take fat from other parts of the body and inject it into the breast. This is a less common method and may be used for minor adjustments or in combination with other breast implant procedures.

Surgical Considerations

– Placement: Implants can be placed either above or below the pectoral muscle. Submuscular placement may result in a more natural contour, while subglandular (above the muscle) placement may be chosen for certain reasons, such as reducing surgery time.
– Incision Site: There are a few options for where the incisions can be made. Common sites include under the breast in the fold (inframammary), around the areola (periareolar), in the armpit (transaxillary), or in the belly button area (transumbilical, though this is quite rare and not commonly recommended).
– Size and Shape: Implants come in various sizes and have either a round or teardrop shape. The choice depends on the desired outcome and the surgeon’s recommendations.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgery, Breast implant in Iran comes with risks. These can include:

– Capsular Contracture: Scar tissue that forms around the implant, which may cause the breast to feel hard.
– Implant Leakage or Rupture: The implant can develop a tear or hole.
– Infection and Bleeding
– Changes in Nipple and Breast Sensation
– Implant Displacement or Malposition
– Breast Pain
– Necrosis: In rare cases, tissue around the implant can die.
– Need for Revision Surgery: Implants don’t last forever and may eventually need to be replaced.

It’s also important to note that breast implants can interfere with mammography and potentially delay breast cancer detection. Women with breast implants should follow a specific breast cancer screening protocol.


(Suitable for people with small breasts and people who want to enlarge their breasts)

breast enlargement

  • The cost of breast prosthesis surgery in Iran is between 2000 and 2700 euros
  • If you are not a resident of Tehran, the duration of stay is 8 days

Cost of breast implant in Iran

2200 euros

including the cost of the surgeon + hospital + prosthesis
Other costs related to breast prosthesis surgery in Tehran
Cost of blood test Between 10 and 15 euros The difference depends on the type of blood test
The cost of consultation with a cardiologist Between 20 and 40 euros For people over 40 or heart patients
The price of a special gun Between 50 and 100 euros The price difference depends on the brand and model of the gun
The cost of medicine and other health items Between 10 and 20 euros
The cost of breast prosthesis plastic surgery – optional
Nurse fee (per night) 30 euros If you are traveling alone
The cost of changing the dressing by the nurse 15 euros


  • If you have an underlying disease or medication, let us know
  • If you have already had breast surgery or mammoplasty, the cost of the surgery will increase slightly
  • Let us know if you have anemia or other blood disorders
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Breast augmentation

Breast lift & prosthesis

breast implant

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation

What to expect from breast implant

When considering breast implant in Iran , it’s important to have realistic expectations and to understand the process, potential outcomes, and the risks associated with the procedure. Here is what you can typically expect before, during, and after breast implant surgery:

Before Surgery

– Consultation: You’ll have a consultation with a plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, the options available, and the risks and benefits. The surgeon will evaluate your health status, examine your breasts, and may take measurements and photographs for your medical record.
– Decision Making: You’ll need to decide on the type and size of implants, as well as the surgical technique.
– Preoperative Instructions: You may be instructed to get a baseline mammogram, stop smoking, avoid certain medications, and arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you after surgery.

During Surgery

– Anesthesia: Breast augmentation is typically performed under general anesthesia, so you will be asleep during the procedure.
– Incision: The surgeon will make incisions in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. The location of the incisions can vary.
– Inserting and Placing the Implant: The breast implant is inserted into a pocket either under the pectoral muscle (submuscular placement) or directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle (subglandular placement).
– Closing the Incisions: Sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape close the skin incisions.
– Duration: The procedure usually takes one to two hours.

After Surgery

– Recovery: You’ll be taken to a recovery area to be monitored as the anesthesia wears off. Most patients can go home the same day.
– Pain and Swelling: Some pain, swelling, and bruising are normal after the surgery. Pain can be managed with medications prescribed by your surgeon.
– Wearing a Support Bra: You may need to wear a compression bandage or support bra to minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal.
– Activity Restrictions: You’ll be instructed to avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks.
– Follow-up Appointments: You’ll have appointments to check on your progress and to remove stitches if needed.

Long-Term Expectations

– Scarring: Scars from the incisions will fade over time but will not disappear entirely.
– Sensation: Some changes in breast and nipple sensation may occur initially. While this is often temporary, it can be permanent in some cases.
– Aging and Gravity: Implants do not prevent the natural aging process or the effects of gravity, and the appearance of the breasts can change over time.
– Maintenance: Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices. You will likely need additional surgeries in the future to replace or remove the implants.
– Routine Monitoring: If you have silicone implants, the FDA recommends periodic MRI screenings to detect silent ruptures.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgery, there are risks involved, including:

– Capsular contracture
– Implant leakage or rupture
– Infection
– Changes in nipple or breast sensation
– Breast pain
– The possibility of revision surgery

It’s essential to discuss all these aspects with your plastic surgeon to ensure that you have a clear understanding of what to expect and to make informed decisions about the surgery.

What size of prosthesis right for me?

Choosing the right size of breast prosthesis is a personal process and is key to ensuring comfort, a natural appearance, and symmetry with the remaining natural breast (if applicable). The right size for you will depend on several factors. Here are steps to help you determine the appropriate size:

Consult a Professional
– Certified Mastectomy Fitter: It’s highly recommended to see a certified mastectomy fitter. These professionals are trained to help you find a breast form that fits well and suits your body shape and lifestyle.

Consider Your Natural Breast Size
– Symmetry: If you have one breast remaining, the prosthesis should match the size and shape of the natural breast to create symmetry.
– Full Mastectomy: If you have had a double mastectomy, you have more flexibility in choosing the size of the prosthesis, which can be based on your previous breast size or your desired appearance.

Match Your Body Frame
– Body Proportions: The prosthesis should be proportional to your body frame to maintain balance and a natural look. It should also fit comfortably within the bra cup without spilling over or leaving significant gaps.

Type of Surgery
– Surgical Outcome: The amount of tissue removed during surgery will affect the size of the prosthesis needed. For partial mastectomies or lumpectomies, a partial prosthesis or shaper may be sufficient to balance the shape.

Comfort and Lifestyle
– Daily Activities: Consider your lifestyle and the types of activities you engage in. The prosthesis should not only look right but also feel comfortable and secure during daily activities, sports, and exercise.

Fitting Process
– Trying Different Sizes: During a fitting, you’ll have the opportunity to try on different sizes and shapes of prostheses within a mastectomy bra to see how they look and feel.
– Wear Appropriate Clothing: When trying on prostheses, wear the type of clothing you most commonly wear to see how the prosthesis looks under your clothes.

Weight Considerations
– Weight of Prosthesis: The weight of the prosthesis is also an important consideration, as a prosthesis that is too heavy might cause discomfort or posture issues, while one that is too light might not provide the desired natural movement.

 Insurance Coverage
– Insurance Policy: Check with your insurance provider to understand the coverage for breast prostheses, as this may influence your choices based on what is financially feasible.

Keep in mind that it may take time and a few tries to find the perfect fit. Your body may also change over time, so your prosthesis size might change as well. Regular check-ins with a mastectomy fitter can help ensure that you always have the right size of prosthesis.

Types of incision in breast implant in Iran

During breast implant in Iran , the plastic surgeon can choose from several types of incisions to insert the implants. The decision on which type of incision to use depends on various factors, including the patient’s anatomy, the type of implant, the patient’s preference, and the surgeon’s recommendation. Here are the common types of incisions used in breast implant surgery:

1. Inframammary Incision

– Location: Under the breast, just above the crease where the breast meets the ribcage.
– Pros: It allows the surgeon a direct view and control over the placement of the implant, and it can accommodate both silicone and saline implants. The scar is usually well-concealed under the natural breast fold.
– Cons: The scar might be visible when lying down if the breast lifts away from the chest wall.

2. Periareolar Incision

– Location: Along the lower edge of the areola (the pigmented area around the nipple).
– Pros: The scar can blend with the transition of skin color between the areola and the breast. It’s a good option for women who also need a minor breast lift.
– Cons: There is a potential for interference with breastfeeding and a possible loss of nipple sensation. It may also have a higher risk of capsular contracture compared to other incision sites.

3. Transaxillary Incision

– Location: In the natural fold of the armpit.
– Pros: Leaves no scar on the breast itself, which can be a significant advantage for some patients.
– Cons: Implant placement may be less precise without an endoscope (a surgical tool with a camera). It might not be suitable for all types of implants and can be challenging for revision surgeries.

4. Transumbilical Incision (TUBA)

– Location: Within the navel (belly button).
– Pros: The scar is hidden in the navel, and there are no scars on the breasts.
– Cons: It’s a more complex procedure that typically only allows for the placement of saline implants, which must be filled after insertion. There is also a higher risk of implant malposition and it is not commonly used by most plastic surgeons.

5. Transabdominal Breast Augmentation (TABA)

– Location: As part of a tummy tuck incision.
– Pros: Allows for the simultaneous performance of breast augmentation and abdominal contouring with a single incision, with no additional scarring on the breast.
– Cons: It is a more complex and less commonly performed procedure and is primarily suitable for patients undergoing abdominoplasty.

It’s important to discuss the incision options with your surgeon during the consultation. Your surgeon will recommend the best approach based on the implant type, your body shape, the amount of available tissue, your personal goals, and other factors. Each incision type has its potential advantages and disadvantages in terms of scarring, potential sensory changes, and surgical control over implant placement.

Breast implant in Iran - Breast Prosthesis
Breast implant in Iran – Breast Prosthesis

What happens during breast implant in Iran ?

Breast implant surgery, also known as breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts using implants. Here’s a general overview of what happens during the surgery:

Pre-Operative Phase

– Consultation and Planning: Before the day of surgery, you’ll consult with your plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, choose the type of implant, and plan the procedure.
– Preparation: You may be asked to get lab tests, adjust or stop certain medications, and avoid smoking.
– Anesthesia: On the day of the surgery, you’ll receive anesthesia. Most breast augmentations are performed under general anesthesia, though local anesthesia with sedation is also an option.

Surgical Procedure

1. Incision: The surgeon will make an incision in one of several locations, as previously discussed (inframammary, periareolar, transaxillary, or TUBA). The choice of incision is based on various factors, including your anatomy and the type of implant.

2. Creating the Pocket: The surgeon will create a pocket for the implant, which can be either:
– Submuscular (Subpectoral): Under the pectoralis major chest muscle. This placement can result in a more natural slope of the upper breast and may reduce the risk of capsular contracture.
– Subglandular (Submammary): Behind the breast tissue but on top of the chest muscle. This may be recommended for women with more breast tissue or those looking to avoid muscle distortion with pectoral activity.

3. Inserting the Implant: The chosen breast implant (silicone or saline) is then inserted into the pocket.
– For saline implants: They can be inserted empty and then filled with sterile saline solution once in place.
– For silicone implants: They are pre-filled with silicone gel and must be inserted as they are.

4. Positioning the Implant: Once the implant is in place, the surgeon will adjust it to ensure proper position and symmetry.

5. Closing the Incisions: The incisions are closed using sutures, surgical tape, or skin adhesives. Layers of suturing may be used within the breast tissue to support the newly positioned implants.

6. Immediate Aftercare: After the surgery, you’ll be taken to a recovery area where you will be closely monitored as you wake up from anesthesia. Your breasts will be bandaged or placed in a surgical bra.

Post-Operative Care

– Recovery: You’ll be given instructions on how to care for your breasts post-surgery, including medications for pain and antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.
– Follow-Up Appointments: You’ll have scheduled follow-ups with your surgeon to remove any sutures and check on your healing process.
– Activity Restriction: You’ll be advised to avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks to allow your body to heal.

Recovery Timeline

– First Few Days: Swelling and some discomfort are normal, which can be controlled with medication.
– First Few Weeks: Most patients can return to work and normal activities within a few weeks, depending on the nature of their job and rate of healing.
– Several Months: Swelling will gradually subside, and scars will begin to fade.


– Regular Check-Ups: Especially for those with silicone implants, to monitor for potential complications.
– Maintenance: Future surgeries may be needed for replacement or complications that may arise.

It’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure the best outcome from your breast implant surgery.

Breast implant in Iran - Breast Prosthesis
Breast implant in Iran – Breast Prosthesis

What is the recovery process after breast implant in Iran ?

The recovery process after breast implant in Iran can vary from person to person, but there are common experiences and guidelines most patients can expect to follow. Here’s a general outline of what the recovery process typically involves:

Immediate Post-Operative Phase (Days 1-3)

– Rest: You will need to rest and limit activities. Sleep with your upper body elevated to help reduce swelling.
– Pain Management: Pain and discomfort are normal, and your surgeon will prescribe medication to manage this. Over-the-counter pain relievers may also be recommended.
– Mobility: You’ll be encouraged to walk around as soon as possible to promote blood circulation, but strenuous activities should be avoided.
– Support Garments: You may be required to wear a surgical bra or compression garment to support your breasts and minimize swelling.

Early Recovery Phase (Week 1-2)

– Follow-Up Appointment: You’ll typically see your surgeon to check on your healing and possibly to remove drains or sutures if they were used.
– Activity Level: You can gradually increase your daily activities as comfort allows but should still avoid lifting, pushing, or pulling anything heavy.
– Swelling and Bruising: These will be most prominent in the first few weeks and will gradually subside.

Intermediate Recovery Phase (Weeks 3-6)

– Returning to Work: Many patients can return to work within a few weeks, depending on the nature of their job and how they feel.
– Exercise: Light exercise may be resumed, but any high-impact activities or exercises that involve the chest and arms should be avoided until your surgeon gives the go-ahead.
– Incision Care: Proper care of the incision sites is important to ensure proper healing and minimize scarring.

Late Recovery Phase (Weeks 6-12)

– Full Activity: Most patients can return to all their normal activities, including strenuous exercise, after 6 weeks, but this can vary based on individual healing and the surgeon’s advice.
– Final Results: While you will see immediate changes after surgery, the final results may take several months as the implants settle and swelling resolves completely.

Long-Term Recovery (Months 3-12)

– Scarring: Scars will continue to mature and fade over the course of a year or more.
– Monitoring: Regular check-ups with your surgeon are important, especially to monitor the condition of your implants if they are silicone.
– Sensation: Any changes in breast or nipple sensation will typically improve over time, but it can take months for sensation to stabilize.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery

– Follow Instructions: Adhere to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions meticulously.
– Avoid Smoking: Smoking can impede the healing process and increase the risk of complications.
– Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, which is beneficial for healing.
– Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients that promote healing.
– Avoid Underwire Bras: Until your surgeon approves them, as underwires can irritate incisions.

Always remember that the recovery process is as vital as the surgery itself for achieving the best results. If you experience unusual symptoms, such as excessive swelling, intense pain, fever, or signs of infection, contact your surgeon immediately. Each patient’s recovery experience can be different, and your surgeon will provide you with the most accurate advice tailored to your particular situation.

Diet after breast implant in Iran

After breast implant surgery, it’s essential to focus on a diet that promotes healing, reduces swelling, and supports your immune system. While there’s no one-size-fits-all diet, here are some general guidelines for a post-operative diet after breast augmentation:

Stay Hydrated

– Water: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as it helps your body recover and reduces swelling.
– Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol can increase swelling and may interact with prescribed medications.

Protein-Rich Foods

– Lean Meats: Chicken, turkey, and fish are excellent sources of lean protein that aid in tissue repair and muscle recovery.
– Plant-Based Proteins: Beans, lentils, tofu, and quinoa for those who prefer plant-based options.
– Dairy: If you’re not lactose intolerant, low-fat dairy products like Greek yogurt and cottage cheese can provide protein and calcium.

Vitamins and Minerals

– Fruits and Vegetables: A variety of colorful fruits and vegetables will provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support healing.
– Vitamin C: Foods rich in Vitamin C, such as oranges, strawberries, and bell peppers, help with collagen production and tissue repair.
– Vitamin A: Foods high in Vitamin A, like sweet potatoes, carrots, and leafy greens, are important for skin health and immune function.
– Zinc: Foods like nuts, seeds, and whole grains are good sources of zinc, which is vital for wound healing and immune system support.

Fiber-Rich Foods

– Whole Grains: Brown rice, oatmeal, and whole wheat bread can help maintain normal bowel movements, especially since pain medications can cause constipation.
– Legumes: Beans and lentils are also high in fiber and protein, making them helpful for recovery.

Healthy Fats

– Fatty Fish: Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon and mackerel can help with inflammation.
– Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are also good sources of healthy fats and omega-3s.
– Avocados: Rich in monounsaturated fats and also provide a creamy texture that may be soothing for those who have difficulty eating after surgery.


– Discuss with Your Surgeon: Before taking any supplements, talk to your surgeon, as some can increase the risk of bleeding or interact with other medications.

Foods to Avoid

– Salty Foods: High sodium intake can exacerbate swelling and fluid retention.
– Processed Foods: Often high in sodium and low in the nutrients needed for healing.
– Sugary Foods: Excessive sugar can lead to inflammation and may hinder the healing process.

General Tips for breast implant in Iran

– Small Meals: You may prefer smaller, more frequent meals if you experience nausea from anesthesia or pain medications.
– Easy-to-Eat Foods: Prepare meals that are easy to chew and digest, especially immediately following surgery when you might feel uncomfortable.
– Avoiding Constipation: If you’re taking narcotic pain medication, consider integrating a stool softener or a gentle laxative, as approved by your surgeon.

Remember, each individual’s needs and reactions to surgery can vary, so it’s important to follow the specific dietary recommendations provided by your surgeon or a registered dietitian. Proper nutrition plays a critical role in your recovery, so take the time to plan and prepare meals that will aid in your healing process. If you have any dietary restrictions or allergies, consult with a health professional for personalized advice.

How to sleep after breast implant in Iran

After breast implant in Iran , finding a comfortable sleeping position is crucial to ensure proper healing and minimize pain. Here’s what you should generally do to sleep comfortably and safely:

Sleeping Position

– Elevate Your Upper Body: For the first few weeks post-surgery, you should sleep on your back with your upper body elevated at about a 30 to 45-degree angle. This position helps reduce swelling and prevents pressure on your breasts. You can use a wedge pillow or stack several pillows to achieve this elevation.
– No Sleeping on Your Stomach: It’s important to avoid sleeping on your stomach for several weeks after surgery, as this can put unnecessary pressure on your breasts and potentially disrupt the healing process.
– Avoid Sleeping on Your Side: Side sleeping can also apply pressure to your breasts and incisions, and it could cause your implants to shift. If you must sleep on your side, use a pillow for support, but only do so if your surgeon gives you the go-ahead.

Tips for Comfortable Sleep

– Pillows: Use pillows to support your arms and keep you from rolling over. A pillow under your knees can also help take pressure off your back.
– Medication: Take your pain medication as prescribed by your surgeon, and consider timing it so that it will be effective when you go to bed. This can help you sleep better through the night.
– Relaxation Techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or listening to calm music can help improve your sleep quality.
– Avoid Caffeine and Heavy Meals: Before bedtime, avoid caffeine and heavy meals, as they can disrupt your sleep.
– Prepare Your Sleeping Area: Make sure your sleeping area is comfortable, quiet, and dark. Keeping essential items within reach can prevent unnecessary movements during the night.

Safety Precautions

– Getting in and out of Bed: Be careful when getting into and out of bed. Use your legs and core to sit up from a lying position, rather than using your arms to prop yourself up, to avoid straining your chest muscles.
– Keep Surgical Garments On: If you’ve been provided with a surgical bra or compression garments, keep them on while you sleep unless your surgeon advises otherwise.
– Stay on Your Back: If you tend to roll over in your sleep, consider using a body pillow or other barriers to prevent you from turning onto your stomach or side.

It’s important to follow the specific advice given by your plastic surgeon regarding sleep and any other aspect of your postoperative care. If you have difficulties sleeping or experience significant discomfort, don’t hesitate to contact your healthcare provider for further guidance. Your comfort and proper healing are the top priorities.

The best age for breast implant in Iran

The decision to undergo breast implant in Iran is highly personal and can be made for a variety of reasons, such as enhancing body shape, reconstructing the breast following mastectomy, or correcting asymmetries. When considering the best age for breast implant in Iran , there are several factors to take into account:

Physical Maturity

– Breast Development: It’s important that the breasts have fully developed before considering implants. This typically occurs by the late teens or early twenties, but it can vary.
– Health Considerations: Younger patients generally recover faster and may have more elastic skin, which can influence the surgical outcome.

Emotional Maturity and Expectations

– Informed Decisions: The ability to fully understand the procedure, its risks, potential complications, and long-term implications is essential.
– Stable Expectations: Emotional maturity helps ensure that there is a realistic expectation of the surgical outcome.

Legal Considerations

– Minimum Age Requirement: In many countries, patients must be at least 18 years old for cosmetic breast implants. For silicone implants, the FDA recommends that patients be at least 22 years old, as younger women may not have fully matured in their decision-making and understanding of the long-term commitment.

Lifestyle Considerations

– Future Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Pregnancy and breastfeeding can change breast size and shape, potentially altering the results of breast augmentation. Some women prefer to wait until after having children, while others decide to have implants beforehand.
– Long-Term Commitment: Breast implants are not lifetime devices and may require replacement or removal in the future, so it’s important to be prepared for additional surgeries down the line.

Financial Stability

– Cost: It’s important to have the financial stability to afford the initial surgery and any potential future procedures, including replacement or removal of implants.

Personal Reasons

– Individual Goals: A woman may choose to have breast implants for personal reasons that are relevant at almost any age within the adult years.
– Self-Image: If a woman feels that implants will improve her self-image or confidence, this personal benefit may factor into the timing of surgery.

Ultimately, the best age for breast implant in Iran varies from person to person and depends on the individual’s physical, emotional, and life circumstances. A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon can help determine the appropriate timing for surgery, taking into account personal health, reasons for seeking breast augmentation, and preparedness for the procedure and its aftercare. It’s essential to weigh all factors and make an informed decision without rushing into surgery.

How long after breast implant in Iran can you exercise?

The timeline for returning to exercise after breast implant in Iran can vary based on individual healing, the type of implants, and the specifics of the surgical procedure. It is crucial to follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing and to avoid complications. However, here’s a general guide on what to expect regarding exercise after breast implant surgery:

Immediate Post-Operative Period (First Week)

– Rest: It’s important to rest and avoid any strenuous activities that can increase blood pressure or pulse, which can lead to bleeding or increased swelling.
– Light Walking: Light walking is usually encouraged soon after surgery to promote circulation and prevent blood clots.

1-2 Weeks Post-Operative

– Light Activity: You may be allowed to gradually increase your daily activities, but heavy lifting and vigorous exercise are still off-limits.
– Gentle Stretching: Gentle stretching exercises might be recommended to promote mobility, but you should avoid stretching or using the chest muscles too much.

2-4 Weeks Post-Operative

– Moderate Exercise: Cardiovascular activities that do not involve the arms or chest, such as brisk walking or stationary cycling, may be permitted.
– Limited Impact: You should still avoid high-impact activities, running, and jumping, as well as any exercises that directly engage the chest muscles.

4-6 Weeks Post-Operative

– Gradual Increase: You can typically start to gradually introduce more strenuous activities, but heavy lifting and chest-targeted exercises might still be restricted.
– Follow-Up Evaluation: Your surgeon will likely evaluate your progress and may give you the green light to resume more types of exercise.

6-8 Weeks Post-Operative

– Full Activity: Most patients are cleared to resume all types of exercises, including weight lifting and high-impact exercises, by this time.
– Listen to Your Body: If something feels off or painful, stop immediately and consult your surgeon.

Beyond 8 Weeks

– Regular Routines: You can generally return to your regular exercise routines, but it’s essential to build up intensity gradually.
– Ongoing Care: Pay attention to your body’s signals and maintain regular check-ups with your surgeon.

Remember, these are general timelines and your surgeon may provide you with a timeline that differs based on factors such as your age, health, the specifics of your surgery, and how well you’re healing. It’s important to adhere strictly to the advice of your surgeon to ensure the best outcome and prevent complications. If you experience any unusual symptoms during your recovery or when you start exercising again, such as pain, redness, or swelling, contact your surgeon immediately.

Breast implant is not suitable for which people

Breast implants may not be suitable for certain individuals due to medical, psychological, or lifestyle-related reasons. Here are some general considerations that might make someone an unsuitable candidate for breast implant in Iran :

Medical Conditions

– Active Infections: Individuals with active infections anywhere in their body should not undergo surgery.
– Cancer or Pre-Cancer: Those who have breast cancer or precancerous conditions that have not been adequately treated may be advised against implants.
– Poor Overall Health: People with serious health issues, such as heart disease or uncontrolled diabetes, which could complicate surgery or recovery, may not be suitable candidates.
– Autoimmune Diseases: Conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, where the immune system can affect healing, may require special consideration.
– Blood Clotting Disorders: Those with disorders that affect blood clotting are at higher risk during any surgery.
– Compromised Immune System: An individual with a compromised immune system may have a higher risk of infection or complications.

Psychological Factors

– Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD): Individuals with BDD may have unrealistic expectations about the results of surgery and are often not good candidates for cosmetic procedures.
– Unrealistic Expectations: Those who expect perfection or anticipate that the procedure will completely change their life or relationships may be dissatisfied with the outcomes.
– Mental Health Issues: Untreated mental health issues should be addressed before considering cosmetic surgery.

Lifestyle Considerations

– Smoking: Smokers are at higher risk for complications during and after surgery, and they are often advised to quit well in advance of any procedure.
– Substance Abuse: Active substance abuse can interfere with the surgery and recovery process.
– Inability to Follow Post-Operative Instructions: If a person is unable or unwilling to follow the surgeon’s post-operative care instructions, they may not be suitable for surgery.

Age and Life Stage

– Young Age: The FDA recommends that individuals be at least 18 years old for saline implants and at least 22 for silicone implants to ensure that they are mature enough to make an informed decision.
– Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Women who are currently pregnant or breastfeeding are advised to wait until after they have finished breastfeeding and their breasts have returned to a stable state before considering implants.

Future Considerations

– Reluctance for Future Surgeries: Breast implants are not lifetime devices and may require replacement or revision surgery in the future. Those who are not willing to consider the possibility of additional surgeries may not be suitable candidates.

It’s important for anyone considering breast implants to have a thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will evaluate their overall health, discuss their expectations and reasons for wanting the surgery, and help them understand the risks and benefits before deciding if breast implants are a suitable option.



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