Revision rhinoplasty in Iran – Secondary rhinoplasty Cost 2024

Revision rhinoplasty in Iran - Secondary rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty in Iran

Revision rhinoplasty in Iran, also known as secondary rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure intended to correct problems that persist or develop after a previous rhinoplasty. This type of surgery can be more complex than a primary rhinoplasty because the surgeon must correct issues from the previous surgery, which may include scar tissue, altered anatomy, and less cartilage to work with.

Reasons for Secondary rhinoplasty

Patients may seek revision rhinoplasty in Iran for various reasons, including:

– Aesthetic Concerns: The patient may be unhappy with the appearance of their nose after the initial surgery.
– Functional Issues: The patient may experience breathing difficulties or other functional problems after the first surgery.
– Structural Problems: The nose may have structural issues such as asymmetry, irregularities, or collapse of the nasal structures.
– Incomplete Corrections: The initial surgery may not have fully addressed the patient’s concerns or desired outcomes.
– Complications: Rarely, complications from the first surgery may necessitate further surgical intervention.

Revision rhinoplasty cost in Iran

(if you’ve had a nose job before, or if you’ve had an ethnic nose job or a broken nose)

  • The cost of secondary rhinoplasty in Iran is between 1800 and 4500 euros
  • There is usually no need to stay in the hospital and you can be discharged after 4 hours of nose surgery
  • If you do not live in Tehran, the duration of stay is 8 days

The cost of secondary rhinoplasty in Tehran

1900 euros

including surgeon + hospital fee
Other costs related to secondary rhinoplasty in Tehran
Cost of blood test Between 10 and 15 euros The difference depends on the type of blood test
The cost of ultrasound or facial CT Between 40 and 60 euros According to the surgeon’s order
The cost of consultation with a cardiologist Between 20 and 40 euros For people over 40 or heart patients
The cost of medicine and other health items Between 10 and 20 euros
Cost of plastic surgery in Tehran – Iran – optional
Nurse fee (per night) 30 euros If you are traveling alone
The cost of changing the dressing by the nurse 15 euros


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  • Let us know if you have anemia or other blood disorders
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Considerations for Secondary rhinoplasty

– Timing: Surgeons typically recommend waiting at least one year after the initial rhinoplasty before undergoing revision, as it takes time for all swelling to subside and the final shape to stabilize.
– Surgeon Selection: It’s crucial to choose a surgeon with extensive experience in revision rhinoplasty in Iran , as the procedure requires advanced skills and techniques.
– Expectations: Patients should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of revision surgery. While improvement is the goal, achieving perfection may not be possible.
– Risks: As with any surgery, there are risks involved, including infection, bleeding, scarring, and anesthesia complications.

The Procedure

– Consultation: A thorough consultation with the surgeon will involve a physical examination of the nose, a discussion of medical history, and a conversation about the patient’s goals and concerns.
– Planning: The surgeon will develop a surgical plan tailored to the patient’s specific needs, which may involve using grafts from the ear or rib if there is insufficient cartilage in the nose.
– Surgery: Revision rhinoplasty in Iran is typically performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the surgery can vary depending on the complexity of the corrections needed.
– Recovery: The recovery process is similar to that of a primary rhinoplasty, with initial swelling and bruising. The final results may take up to a year to fully manifest.

Recovery and Aftercare

– Immediate Aftercare: Patients will need to rest with their head elevated and may have a splint on their nose to protect it and maintain its new shape.
– Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to monitor the healing process.
– Activity Restrictions: Patients will need to avoid strenuous activities and potential impact to the nose for several weeks after surgery.
– Swelling and Healing: Swelling can fluctuate for several months, and it’s important for patients to be patient with the healing process.

Patients considering revision rhinoplasty in Iran should thoroughly research and consult with a qualified facial plastic surgeon to discuss the potential benefits and risks, as well as to set realistic expectations for the outcome of the surgery.

Revision rhinoplasty in Iran - Secondary rhinoplasty
Revision rhinoplasty in Iran – Secondary rhinoplasty

Types of secondary rhinoplasty surgery incisions

Revision rhinoplasty in Iran may utilize different types of incisions depending on the specific needs of the surgery and the preference of the surgeon. The two primary approaches are the open (external) rhinoplasty and the closed (endonasal) rhinoplasty. Here’s a brief overview of each:

Open Rhinoplasty

In an open rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision across the columella, which is the strip of tissue separating the nostrils. This approach provides the surgeon with more direct visibility and access to the underlying nasal structures, which can be particularly beneficial in complex revision cases where significant restructuring is required. The incisions for an open revision rhinoplasty in Iran typically include:

– Trans-columellar Incision: A small bridging incision is made between the nostrils on the columella.
– Marginal Incisions: Additional incisions are made inside the rim of the nostrils, which connect with the trans-columellar incision.

The open approach may leave a small, usually well-concealed scar on the underside of the nose, but it allows for more precise adjustments to the nasal tip and other structures.

Closed Rhinoplasty

In a closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made within the nostrils, leaving no visible external scars. This technique may be chosen for less complex revision cases or when the adjustments required are minor and do not necessitate the extensive exposure provided by the open approach. The incisions for a closed secondary rhinoplasty are:

– Intranasal Incisions: These are made within the nostrils and can vary in pattern depending on the specific areas that need to be addressed.

While the closed approach results in no visible scarring and typically a shorter recovery time, it offers less access and visibility for the surgeon, which can be a limitation in more complex revision cases.

Delivery Approach

A variation of the closed technique is the delivery approach, where the lower lateral cartilages are temporarily delivered out of the nostril to allow for better visualization and modification. This is sometimes used in primary rhinoplasty and may also be applicable in certain revision cases.

Composite Approach

In some complex revision cases, a surgeon may use a combination of open and closed techniques to achieve the desired outcome. This is less common but can be tailored to the specific challenges presented by the revision.

Choice of Technique

The decision on which incision technique to use during revision rhinoplasty in Iran will depend on several factors:

– Extent of Revision Needed: More extensive revisions typically require an open approach.
– Scar Tissue: The presence of scar tissue from the previous surgery may influence the choice of incision.
– Surgeon’s Expertise: Some surgeons may prefer one technique over the other based on their experience and comfort level.
– Patient’s Anatomy: The unique anatomy and previous surgical changes of the patient’s nose will play a significant role in the decision-making process.

It’s important for patients to discuss the pros and cons of each approach with their surgeon during the consultation process to understand which technique will be used and why it’s the best choice for their specific situation.

What to expect from Revision rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty in Iran is typically more complex than a primary rhinoplasty due to the changes in anatomy from the initial surgery, the presence of scar tissue, and potentially less cartilage to work with. Here’s what you can generally expect if you’re considering a revision rhinoplasty in Iran :

Before the Surgery

– Consultation: You’ll have a detailed consultation with your surgeon to discuss your concerns, desired outcomes, and the feasibility of those outcomes. The surgeon will examine your nose, possibly using imaging technology to analyze the structure and plan the surgery.
– Physical Examination: Your surgeon will assess the internal and external structure of your nose, including skin quality, scar tissue, and cartilage availability.
– Medical History Review: A review of your medical history, including any complications from the previous surgery, will be conducted.
– Expectation Setting: The surgeon will set realistic expectations for the outcome of the revision. Complete perfection is often unattainable, but significant improvements are usually possible.

During the Surgery

– Anesthesia: Secondary rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia.
– Incision Technique: Depending on the complexity of the revision, the surgeon will use either an open or closed approach.
– Surgical Adjustments: The surgeon may need to perform grafting using cartilage from the ear, rib, or septum to rebuild or support the nasal structure.
– Duration: The surgery may take longer than a primary rhinoplasty, often several hours, due to the delicate and complex nature of revision work.

After the Surgery

– Immediate Aftercare: You’ll wake up in a recovery area with a splint on your nose and possibly packing inside your nostrils. You’ll need someone to drive you home and stay with you for the first night.
– Swelling and Bruising: Expect more significant swelling and bruising compared to your primary rhinoplasty, which can last several weeks.
– Pain Management: You’ll likely be prescribed pain medication to manage discomfort.
– Follow-Up Appointments: You’ll have several post-operative appointments for the surgeon to monitor your healing and remove any splints or sutures.
– Recovery Time: Most people take 1-2 weeks off work. Strenuous activities should be avoided for at least 4-6 weeks.
– Long-Term Healing: It can take up to a year or more for the final results to be apparent, especially as the nose continues to heal and residual swelling subsides.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with revision rhinoplasty in Iran , including:

– Infection
– Bleeding
– Anesthesia complications
– Poor wound healing or scarring
– Unsatisfactory aesthetic result
– Further nasal obstruction or breathing difficulties

Emotional Considerations

It’s also important to consider the emotional impact of undergoing another surgery. Patients may feel anxious about the outcome, especially if the initial surgery did not meet their expectations. A supportive network and a clear understanding of the realistic outcomes can help manage these concerns.

Choosing a Surgeon

Given the complexity of revision rhinoplasty, it’s crucial to choose a surgeon who specializes in this type of surgery and has a track record of successful outcomes. Look for board certification, extensive experience, and before-and-after photos of previous revision surgeries.


Revision rhinoplasty can be a challenging process, both physically and emotionally. However, with the right surgeon and realistic expectations, it can significantly improve both the function and aesthetics of the nose. It’s important to have a thorough understanding of the entire process and maintain open communication with your surgeon throughout your journey.

Procedures before Revision rhinoplasty

Before undergoing revision rhinoplasty, several key steps and procedures are typically followed to ensure the best possible outcome and to prepare the patient for surgery. Here’s an outline of the typical preoperative process:

Initial Consultation

1. Discussion of Goals and Concerns: You will discuss your aesthetic and functional goals, as well as any concerns you have with your surgeon.
2. Medical History Review: Your surgeon will review your medical history, including previous nasal surgeries, any medications you’re taking, allergies, and any medical conditions that could affect surgery or healing.
3. Physical Examination: The surgeon will examine the structure of your nose, both externally and internally, to assess the skin, cartilage, bone, and any scar tissue from the previous surgery.
4. Photographs: Standardized photographs of your nose from various angles will be taken for medical records, surgical planning, and to assist in discussing potential outcomes.

Preoperative Planning

5. Surgical Plan: Based on the examination and your desired outcomes, the surgeon will create a customized surgical plan. This may involve computer imaging to show possible results, although these are not guarantees.
6. Grafting Discussion: If grafting is needed (using cartilage from the ear, rib, or septum), this will be discussed, including the risks and benefits.
7. Risks and Benefits: The surgeon will explain the potential risks, complications, and benefits of the procedure.
8. Expectation Management: It’s crucial to have a realistic understanding of what revision rhinoplasty in Iran can and cannot achieve.

Preoperative Testing

9. Blood Tests: Preoperative blood tests may be ordered to check for any medical conditions that could complicate surgery or recovery.
10. Medical Clearance: If you have medical conditions or are of an older age, you might need clearance from your primary care physician or a specialist to ensure you’re fit for surgery.

Preoperative Instructions

11. Medication Adjustments: You may need to stop taking certain medications or supplements that can increase bleeding, such as aspirin, NSAIDs, and vitamin E, for a period before and after surgery.
12. Smoking Cessation: Smokers will be advised to stop smoking well in advance of the surgery to improve healing and reduce the risk of complications.
13. Alcohol: You may be advised to avoid alcohol for a certain period before and after surgery.
14. Fasting: You’ll be instructed to fast (not eat or drink) for a specific period before the surgery, usually starting at midnight the night before.

Day Before Surgery

15. Final Preparations: Confirm transportation to and from the surgery center, as you will not be able to drive yourself. Prepare a recovery area at home where you can rest comfortably with your head elevated.
16. Last-Minute Questions: Address any last-minute questions or concerns with your surgeon or the surgical team.

Morning of Surgery

17. Personal Preparations: Wear loose, comfortable clothing that does not need to be pulled over your head. Remove all makeup, jewelry, and nail polish.

Legal Preparations

18. Consent Forms: You will be required to sign consent forms that acknowledge your understanding of the surgery, the risks involved, and your agreement to proceed.

By following these steps, you and your surgeon can prepare for the safest and most effective revision rhinoplasty procedure. It’s important to follow all of your surgeon’s instructions carefully to minimize the risk of complications and to support the best possible outcome.

Revision rhinoplasty in Iran - Secondary rhinoplasty
Revision rhinoplasty in Iran – Secondary rhinoplasty

What happens during Revision rhinoplasty ?

During revision rhinoplasty in Iran , the surgeon aims to correct issues from a previous rhinoplasty or to further refine the nose’s appearance and function. The procedure can vary significantly from one patient to another, depending on the specific issues being addressed. Here’s a general overview of what happens during a secondary rhinoplasty procedure:


The surgery typically starts with the administration of anesthesia. Most revision rhinoplasty in Iran procedures are performed under general anesthesia, which means you’ll be asleep during the operation. In some cases, local anesthesia with sedation may be used.


Depending on the extent of the revision needed, the surgeon will choose between an open or closed rhinoplasty approach:

– Open Rhinoplasty: The surgeon makes an incision across the columella (the small strip of skin between the nostrils). This allows the skin to be lifted off the tip of the nose for better visibility and access to the underlying structures.
– Closed Rhinoplasty: All incisions are made within the nostrils, resulting in no visible scarring on the outside of the nose. This approach is less invasive but offers limited access compared to the open technique.

Structural Corrections

The surgeon will then proceed with the necessary adjustments, which may include:

– Removing or Reshaping Cartilage: If there is too much cartilage or if it’s misshapen, the surgeon may trim or reshape it.
– Cartilage Grafting: Often, cartilage from another part of the body (such as the ear or rib) or from a donor may be used to add structure or support to the nose, especially if the previous surgery removed too much tissue.
– Straightening the Septum: If the septum is deviated, it may be straightened to improve breathing.
– Refining the Nasal Tip: The tip of the nose can be reshaped for better definition and contour.
– Correcting Asymmetry: The surgeon will make adjustments to correct any asymmetry that may have resulted from the initial surgery.

Re-draping the Skin and Closing Incisions

Once the underlying structure of the nose is sculpted to the desired shape, the nasal skin is re-draped over the new framework. The incisions are then closed with sutures. If the open technique was used, the incision across the columella will also be closed and will likely be dressed with a small bandage.

Applying a Splint

A splint is usually applied to the outside of the nose to help maintain its new shape and protect it during the initial recovery. Nasal packing or internal splints may also be placed inside the nostrils to stabilize the septum, support the new structure, and reduce bleeding.

Recovery Room

After the surgery is completed, you’ll be taken to a recovery room where you’ll be closely monitored as you wake up from anesthesia. Once you’re awake and your vital signs are stable, you’ll be given post-operative instructions and can usually go home the same day, although you’ll need someone to drive you.


The duration of revision rhinoplasty can vary widely, often taking longer than primary rhinoplasty due to the complexity of the corrections needed. It can range from 1 to 4 hours or more.


Revision rhinoplasty in Iran is generally more complex than primary rhinoplasty due to factors like scar tissue, changes in anatomy from the previous surgery, and potentially less cartilage to work with. Surgeons must carefully plan and execute the procedure to address these challenges.

It’s important to note that every revision rhinoplasty is unique, and the specific steps in the procedure will be tailored to the individual needs and goals of the patient. Patients should have a thorough discussion with their surgeon about what their particular revision procedure will entail.

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How is the recovery process after Secondary rhinoplasty?

Recovery from revision rhinoplasty can be more challenging than recovery from a primary rhinoplasty due to the increased complexity of the surgery and the presence of scar tissue. Here’s what you can generally expect during the recovery process:

Immediate Post-Operative Period

– Rest: You will need to rest with your head elevated for the first few days to minimize swelling and bleeding.
– Pain and Discomfort: Some pain, discomfort, and a feeling of congestion are normal. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to manage this.
– Bruising and Swelling: Expect more significant bruising and swelling compared to your primary rhinoplasty, particularly around the eyes. This typically peaks within the first week and gradually subsides over the following weeks to months.
– Nasal Packing: If nasal packing is used, it’s usually removed within a few days post-surgery.
– Splint and Bandages: A splint and possibly bandages will be applied to your nose to protect it and help maintain its new shape. These are typically removed after one week.

First Few Weeks

– Activity Restrictions: Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and bending over to prevent bleeding or increased swelling.
– Follow-Up Visits: You’ll have appointments for your surgeon to check on your progress and remove any sutures or splints.
– Numbness: You may experience numbness or a lack of sensation in the operated area, which usually diminishes over time.
– Nasal Care: You’ll be instructed on how to care for your nose, which may include cleaning with saline and applying ointments.

Long-Term Recovery

– Swelling: While much of the swelling diminishes in the first month, it can take up to a year or more for all of the swelling to resolve, especially in the tip of the nose.
– Final Results: As swelling subsides, the final shape of your nose will start to become apparent, but it’s important to have patience as the healing process can be lengthy.
– Scar Maturation: If an open rhinoplasty was performed, the small scar at the base of the nose will continue to heal and fade over time.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery

– Follow Instructions: Adhere strictly to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions to support healing and reduce the risk of complications.
– Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a healthy diet, stay hydrated, and avoid smoking and alcohol, as these can impair the healing process.
– Sun Protection: Protect your skin, especially your nose, from sun exposure as your nose will be more susceptible to sunburn.
– Avoid Glasses: If possible, avoid wearing glasses or sunglasses that rest on the bridge of the nose for the first 4-6 weeks (or as advised by your surgeon) to prevent pressure on the healing nasal tissues.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with revision rhinoplasty, including:

– Infection
– Excessive bleeding
– Anesthesia risks
– Poor wound healing or scarring
– Persistent swelling or discoloration
– Asymmetry or irregularities
– Need for additional surgeries

Emotional Recovery

The emotional aspect of recovery is also important. Some patients may experience temporary feelings of disappointment or frustration, especially when faced with swelling and the time it takes for the final results to emerge. It’s important to maintain a support system and communicate any concerns with your surgeon.


The recovery from revision rhinoplasty is a gradual process that requires patience and careful adherence to your surgeon’s instructions. It’s crucial to have realistic expectations and to understand that the final results may take a year or more to fully materialize. If you have any concerns during your recovery, it’s important to contact your surgeon.

Diet after Secondary rhinoplasty

After a revision rhinoplasty in Iran , following a proper diet is important to help reduce swelling, minimize complications, and support your body’s healing process. Here’s a guide to help you understand what to eat and what to avoid post-surgery:

Foods to Include

1. Hydrating Fluids: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Dehydration can thicken your blood, increasing the risk of complications. Other hydrating fluids include coconut water and herbal teas.

2. Protein-Rich Foods: Protein is essential for wound healing. Include lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, and legumes in your diet.

3. Fruits and Vegetables: These are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are crucial for healing. Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers, is particularly important for collagen formation and skin healing.

4. Whole Grains: Foods like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread provide your body with the energy it needs to heal.

5. Healthy Fats: Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts can help with inflammation.

6. Dairy Products: If you’re not lactose intolerant, dairy products can be a good source of calcium and protein. However, some people find dairy can increase mucus production, so monitor how your body responds.

Foods to Avoid

1. Salty Foods: High sodium intake can exacerbate swelling, so it’s best to avoid processed foods and added salt.

2. Spicy Foods: These can irritate the stomach and lead to discomfort, especially if you’re taking pain medication that can already make the stomach sensitive.

3. Hard or Chewy Foods: Tough meats, raw vegetables, chewy bread, or candies can require more effort to eat and potentially strain your facial muscles and nasal tissues.

4. Alcohol: Alcohol can interfere with medications, increase the risk of bleeding, and prolong swelling. It’s best to avoid it entirely during the initial recovery period.

5. Caffeine: In some individuals, caffeine can increase blood pressure and exacerbate swelling, so it might be wise to limit intake.

6. Sugary Foods: Excessive sugar can suppress the immune system and slow healing, so try to limit sweets and sugary beverages.

General Dietary Tips

– Eat Small, Frequent Meals: After surgery, you might not have a large appetite, so eating small, frequent meals can ensure you’re getting enough calories and nutrients.

– Stay Upright While Eating: To reduce the risk of additional swelling, try to stay upright while eating and for at least an hour afterward.

– Chew Gently: Be gentle when chewing to avoid unnecessary stress on the nasal structures.

– Avoid Hot Liquids: Very hot foods and liquids can increase the risk of nasal bleeding, so it’s best to consume them warm, not hot, especially in the first few days after surgery.

– Supplements: Discuss with your surgeon before taking any supplements. Certain supplements can promote healing, but others might increase bleeding risk or interact with medications.

– Stay Cool: Eating cool foods like smoothies or yogurt can be soothing and may help reduce swelling.

Always follow your surgeon’s specific dietary recommendations, as they may have additional advice based on your individual case and health needs. If you have specific dietary restrictions or allergies, inform your surgical team before your procedure so they can tailor their advice accordingly.

How to sleep after Secondary rhinoplasty

Sleeping properly after revision rhinoplasty in Iran is crucial for a smooth recovery and to ensure the best possible outcome. Here are some tips to help you sleep comfortably and safely after your surgery:

1. Elevate Your Head
Keeping your head elevated above your heart is essential to reduce swelling and minimize bleeding. Use two or three pillows or a foam wedge to prop yourself up. Some patients find it comfortable to sleep in a recliner for the first few days post-surgery.

2. Sleep on Your Back
Sleeping on your back is the best position to avoid putting any pressure on your nose. Avoid turning on your side or stomach, as this could cause damage to the nasal structures or increase swelling.

3. Avoid Rolling Over
To prevent accidentally rolling onto your face, consider using a travel pillow around your neck or positioning pillows on either side of your head for extra support.

4. Keep Your Head Cool
Using a cold humidifier in your room can help keep the air moist, which may be soothing for your breathing and can also help reduce swelling.

5. Avoid Bending Over
When getting into and out of bed, try to keep your head above your heart and avoid bending over or making sudden movements that can increase blood pressure in your face.

6. Use Your Pain Medication
Take your pain medication as prescribed by your doctor. Being in less pain can make it easier to fall and stay asleep.

7. Maintain a Calm, Comfortable Sleeping Environment
Ensure your sleeping area is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature. Limit exposure to screens before bedtime, and consider using white noise machines or earplugs if you’re sensitive to sound.

8. Avoid Sleep Interrupters
Limit fluids right before bed to reduce the chances of needing to get up to use the bathroom. Also, avoid caffeine and heavy meals in the evening.

9. Nap as Needed
You may feel more tired than usual after your surgery, so allow yourself to take naps during the day if you need to catch up on rest.

10. Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions
Your surgeon may have specific instructions regarding sleep and positioning, so it’s important to follow their advice closely.

11. Be Patient and Adjust as Needed
It might take some time to find a comfortable sleeping position, and you may not sleep as well as you normally do for the first few nights. Be patient with your body as it heals.

12. Prepare for Possible Dry Mouth or Throat
If you have nasal packing or if your nose is congested after surgery, you may need to breathe through your mouth, which can lead to dryness. Keep water by your bed, and consider using a saline spray or gel if your surgeon agrees.

13. Protect Your Nose
If you have pets or small children, make sure they don’t accidentally bump your nose while you’re sleeping. It may be wise to sleep alone for the first few nights to avoid any unintended contact with your nose.

Remember, every patient’s recovery process is unique, and your surgeon may have additional recommendations based on your specific situation. Always follow the post-operative instructions provided by your healthcare provider for the best results.

How long after first rhinoplasty you can do Revision rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty in Iran is typically considered when a patient is not satisfied with the results of their primary rhinoplasty, whether due to aesthetic outcomes or functional issues such as breathing difficulties. However, it’s crucial to wait until the nose is fully healed from the first surgery before undergoing a second procedure. This is because the nose can change shape and settle over time as the swelling subsides and the tissues heal.

The general recommendation is to wait at least one year after the initial rhinoplasty before considering revision surgery. This timeframe allows the majority of the swelling to resolve and the scar tissue to mature, which gives both the patient and the surgeon a clear picture of what the final outcome of the first surgery is.

In some cases, minor touch-ups may be performed sooner, but this is dependent on specific issues, the extent of the required adjustments, and the surgeon’s assessment. It’s important to have a thorough discussion with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in Revision rhinoplasty in Iran to understand the risks, benefits, and timing for any secondary surgery.

During the waiting period, it’s also essential for patients to maintain good communication with their surgeon, as some concerns may be addressed with non-surgical treatments or may resolve on their own as the healing process continues. Patience is key, as rushing into a revision surgery can lead to further complications or unsatisfactory results.

How long can you exercise after Revision rhinoplasty in Iran

After undergoing secondary rhinoplasty, it’s important to give your body ample time to heal before resuming exercise or any strenuous physical activity. The timeline for returning to exercise can vary based on the extent of the surgery, the individual’s healing process, and the surgeon’s specific recommendations.

Here’s a general guideline for resuming exercise after revision rhinoplasty in Iran :

Immediate Post-Operative Period (First Week)
– Avoid all forms of exercise. Rest is crucial to prevent bleeding, increased swelling, and other complications.

1-2 Weeks Post-Operative
– Light walking can usually be resumed as it helps with circulation and can aid in the healing process. However, it’s important to avoid any activity that could lead to an impact on the face or elevate blood pressure too much.

2-4 Weeks Post-Operative
– Light to moderate activities may be resumed, such as brisk walking or gentle stationary cycling, but it’s important to avoid any activities that involve bending over, lifting heavy weights, or straining.

4-6 Weeks Post-Operative
– Gradual return to more strenuous activities. Depending on how you feel and your surgeon’s advice, you may be able to start jogging, swimming, or doing light aerobics. Avoid contact sports or high-impact activities still.

6-8 Weeks Post-Operative
– Most normal activities including more vigorous exercise can typically be resumed. However, sports with a risk of facial injury should still be avoided.

Beyond 8 Weeks
– Full activity is often permitted, including contact sports, but this depends on the healing process and the surgeon’s evaluation.

It’s essential to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully and to attend all follow-up appointments. Your surgeon will monitor your recovery and advise you when it’s safe to return to various levels of physical activity.

If you experience any pain, excessive swelling, or any other concerning symptoms when you start exercising again, you should stop immediately and consult with your surgeon. Each individual’s recovery is unique, and your surgeon will provide the best guidance tailored to your situation.

After secondary rhinoplasty, you must use a nasal patch

The use of a nasal splint or patch after Revision rhinoplasty in Iran can vary depending on the surgeon’s preference, the techniques used during surgery, and the specific goals of the procedure. A nasal splint or patch is often applied immediately after surgery to help maintain the new shape of the nose, support the delicate structures as they heal, and to minimize swelling.

Here’s what you might expect with the use of a nasal splint or patch after revision rhinoplasty in Iran :

External Nasal Splint
– Purpose: To protect the nose and help maintain its new shape.
– Duration: Typically worn for about one week, but this can vary based on the surgeon’s instructions and the extent of the surgery.

Internal Nasal Splints or Packing
– Purpose: To support the septum, reduce bleeding, and prevent adhesions within the nasal passages.
– Duration: If used, they are usually removed within the first week after surgery.

Nasal Taping
– Purpose: To reduce swelling and help the skin conform to the new nasal framework.
– Duration: May be recommended for several weeks post-operatively, often with the patient reapplying fresh tape as instructed by the surgeon.

It’s important to follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions regarding the care and management of any nasal splint, patch, or taping. They will provide guidance on how to care for your nose, when to remove or change the dressing, and what activities to avoid to ensure proper healing.

If you have concerns or questions about the use of a nasal splint or patch after your revision rhinoplasty, it’s best to discuss them directly with your plastic surgeon. They can provide you with the most accurate information tailored to your individual case.

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Rhinoplasty Movie

Revision Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Movie

Rhinoplasty Movie

Revision rhinoplasty is not suitable for whom

Revision rhinoplasty in Iran is a complex procedure that may not be suitable for everyone. Certain factors may make an individual a less ideal candidate for this surgery. Here are some scenarios where revision rhinoplasty might not be recommended:

1. Insufficient Healing from the First Surgery: If not enough time has passed since the initial rhinoplasty, and the nose has not fully healed, it’s typically advised to wait. Surgeons often recommend waiting at least one year before considering revision surgery.

2. Unrealistic Expectations: Patients who have unrealistic expectations about what revision rhinoplasty can achieve may not be suitable candidates. It’s important for patients to have a clear and realistic understanding of the potential outcomes.

3. Medical Conditions: Individuals with certain medical conditions that impair healing or increase the risk of surgery, such as uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, or disorders of the immune system, may not be good candidates.

4. Smoking: Smoking can significantly impair healing by reducing blood flow to the surgical area. Patients who smoke are often advised to quit well in advance of surgery and throughout the recovery period.

5. Psychological Readiness: Surgery can be a psychologically demanding experience. Patients who are undergoing revision rhinoplasty in Iran due to dissatisfaction with a previous surgery may also need to address psychological factors, such as body dysmorphic disorder, to ensure they have healthy expectations and motives for pursuing additional surgery.

6. Scar Tissue: Excessive scar tissue from previous surgeries can make revision rhinoplasty more challenging and may limit the potential for improvement.

7. Structural Limitations: Sometimes, the anatomy of the nose or the amount of available tissue after the first surgery may limit what can be achieved with revision rhinoplasty in Iran .

8. Poor Overall Health: Good candidates for any surgery should be in good overall health to minimize the risk of complications during and after the procedure.

It’s essential for anyone considering secondary rhinoplasty to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in nasal surgery. The surgeon can assess the individual’s specific circumstances, including the physical structure of the nose, the individual’s overall health, and their goals for surgery, to determine if revision rhinoplasty in Iran is a suitable option.

During the consultation, the surgeon will discuss the potential risks and benefits, the likelihood of achieving the patient’s goals, and any alternative treatments that may be appropriate. It’s important for patients to be honest about their medical history, concerns, and expectations so that the surgeon can provide the best possible advice.

why need cartilage for Revision rhinoplasty

Cartilage grafting is often a critical component of revision rhinoplasty in Iran because it can provide structural support, refine the nasal shape, and correct issues that arose from the primary rhinoplasty. Here are some reasons why cartilage is commonly used in revision procedures:

1. Structural Support: Over-resection of cartilage during the initial rhinoplasty can lead to a collapse of the nasal framework. Cartilage grafts can be used to reinforce weakened areas and restore structural integrity.

2. Shape Refinement: Cartilage grafts can help refine the nasal tip, smooth out irregularities, fill depressions, and improve the overall nasal contour.

3. Functional Improvement: If the primary rhinoplasty resulted in breathing difficulties due to internal nasal valve collapse or other structural issues, cartilage grafts can be used to open up and support the nasal passages, improving airflow.

4. Scar Tissue Management: Revision rhinoplasty in Iran often involves working around scar tissue from the previous surgery. Cartilage grafts can help camouflage areas where scar tissue has caused contour deformities.

5. Revision of Overcorrected Areas: If too much tissue was removed in the first surgery, cartilage grafts might be needed to build up those over-resected areas.

6. Longevity: Cartilage grafts are durable and can provide long-lasting results. They integrate with the patient’s own tissue over time, which can lead to a more natural appearance.

The cartilage used for grafting in secondary rhinoplasty typically comes from the patient’s own body to reduce the risk of rejection or infection. Common donor sites include:

– Septal Cartilage: Cartilage from the nasal septum is often preferred because it’s strong and straight, and its removal does not usually affect the external appearance of the nose.
– Ear Cartilage: Cartilage from the concha of the ear is another option, particularly for smaller grafts. It’s more flexible than septal cartilage and is useful for refinements rather than structural support.
– Rib Cartilage: When a significant amount of cartilage is needed, or if the septal and ear cartilage is not available or insufficient, rib cartilage can be harvested. It provides a large amount of strong cartilage but comes with a higher risk of complications at the donor site and may result in a more noticeable scar.

Using the patient’s own cartilage minimizes the risk of complications that can occur with synthetic materials or cartilage from cadavers, such as infection, extrusion, or rejection. A skilled surgeon will determine the best type of cartilage graft and donor site based on the specific needs and goals of the revision rhinoplasty in Iran .

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