Breast prosthesis reconstruction

Breast prosthesis reconstruction

Breast prosthesis reconstruction

What is the reconstructive operation of breast prosthesis?

The reconstructive operation of breast prosthesis is in fact the replacement of old prostheses with new prostheses. Usually, the goal is also to change or improve the appearance of the breast along with changing the prosthesis, which includes the following:

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Breast prosthesis reconstruction

Lifting or simultaneous removal of some breast tissue

Reshaping of the breast prosthesis to reinsert the breast prosthesis

Reducing or increasing the size or changing the shape or model of the breast prosthesis

What are the reasons for breast prosthesis reconstruction?

The desire to change the size of the breasts

Pain caused by contraction of the capsule

Worry about tearing or displacement of the prosthesis

Changing the gender to silicone or changing different models of prosthesis

Over time, the shape of the breast prosthesis as well as the breast tissue can change and cause an appearance or feeling that is not as satisfactory as the initial result.

The reconstructive operation of breast prosthesis is not a standard and routine operation and should be done according to the patient’s wishes and opinion.

However, this procedure should be performed by a certified and experienced plastic surgeon who listens to the patient’s goals and wishes and plans the procedure according to them in order to achieve the patient’s desired result. .

Breast prosthesis reconstruction
Breast prosthesis reconstruction

People suitable for nose reconstruction surgery

Who is the right candidate for breast prosthesis reconstruction?

Reconstructive breast prosthesis surgery is performed for those who have had one operation and are currently dissatisfied with their prosthesis or are concerned about the condition of their prosthesis. This operation can solve the above concerns by replacing the old prosthesis with a new one. In general, if you have the following conditions, you can be a good candidate for breast prosthesis reconstruction:

You are unhappy with the size, shape or appearance of your breast prosthesis

Are you worried about the condition of your dentures?

You have physical health and stable weight

You have realistic expectations

You are not a smoker

If you decide to have surgery, take the time to look at images of breast implant reconstruction and learn about what to expect during recovery. Preparing ahead of time allows the patient to have more realistic expectations and an easier recovery period.

How much does breast reconstruction cost?

The fee received by a plastic surgeon for breast reconstruction can vary according to his expectations as well as the geographical location and location of the surgery.

Costs of reconstructive breast prosthesis surgery can include the following:
Surgeon’s salary

Hospital expenses

Prosthesis price

The cost of anesthesia

The cost of reconstructive surgery of breast prosthesis

Drug prescription

Clothes for the operating room and after the operation

Medical tests and radiology photos

When choosing a certified plastic surgeon for reconstructive breast augmentation surgery, remember that his experience and your comfort with your surgeon are as important as the cost of the procedure.

What should I expect during the consultation for breast prosthesis reconstruction?

Be ready to talk about the following things during the consultation for reconstructive breast prosthesis surgery

Your goals from surgery

Medical conditions, drug sensitivities and medical treatments

Medicines, herbal supplements and vitamins that you are currently using; Use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs

Previous surgeries

Procedures of your plastic surgeon
Evaluation of your general health status and any pre-existing health problems and risk factors

Talk about your options

Evaluation of your breast prosthesis

taking pictures

Proposed treatment method

Talking about the possible results of the reconstructive breast prosthesis operation and any possible risks

The success and safety of your breast reconstruction surgery depends heavily on the choices you make during your consultation. You will be asked questions about your health, preferences and lifestyle.

Be sure to ask your plastic surgeon your questions. It is very important to consider all aspects of breast implant reconstruction. To help you, we have prepared a list of questions you may want to ask your plastic surgeon about breast surgery that you can take with you to your consultation.

It is normal to feel worried. Whether this concern is due to excitement for your new look or stress. Don’t be shy about sharing these feelings with your surgeon.

Complications of breast prosthesis reconstruction

What questions should I ask my plastic surgeon about breast prosthesis reconstruction?
Use this list as a guide during the counseling session

  • Are you specially trained for this job?
  • How many years have you been trained for this job?
  • How many operations have you done in this field?
  • Am I a good candidate for this surgery?
  • What will be expected of me to get the best result?
  • Where and how is my operation performed?
  • What surgical technique is recommended for me?
  • How long will the recovery period last and what help will I need during the recovery period?
  • Breast prosthesis reconstruction
  • What risks and complications will this surgery bring?
  • How will these complications be solved?
  • What will my prosthetic breasts look like after some time?
  • What options do I have if I am unhappy with the result?
  • Do you have before and after photos of each procedure for me to look at and what are the reasonable results?

What are the risks of reconstructive surgery of breast prosthesis?

The decision to undergo plastic surgery is highly personal. You have to decide whether breast implant surgery will meet your needs or not. And whether its risks and possible problems are acceptable to you or not.

Your surgeon or his assistants will explain the risks of the procedure to you in detail. You will be asked to sign papers that show you are fully aware of the procedure you are about to do and its potential risks and complications.

Possible risks of reconstructive breast prosthesis include but are not limited to:

  • Bleeding
  • Poor repair of incisions
  • hematoma
  • Dangers of anesthesia
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Skin loss
  • Numbness or other changes in skin sensitivity
  • Change in skin color
  • Undesirable wounds
  • loose skin
  • Complications of breast prosthesis reconstruction
  • The fatty tissue inside the skin may disappear
  • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
  • Asymmetry
  • Beauty problems
  • Possible need for re-surgery
  • persistent pain

These and other risks will be fully discussed according to your situation. It is very important to discuss all your concerns directly with your plastic surgeon.


What are the stages of breast prosthesis reconstruction?

First stage: Anesthesia

In order for you to be comfortable during the procedure, you will be anesthetized before the procedure. Your doctor will suggest one of two methods: intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.

Second step: cutting

The type of incision used in reconstructive breast prosthesis surgery changes according to the type of operation used. Cuts can be any of the following but are not limited to:

Inframammary incision – below the breast

Breast lift cut – vertical cut

Circumcision around the areola – partial or complete incision around the areola


The third step: closing the cuts

Sutures, glue or sterile strips are used to close the skin incisions.

Breast prosthesis reconstruction
Fourth step: see the results
The final result of breast prosthesis reconstruction surgery will be seen when the swelling disappears.


What should I expect during the recovery period after breast prosthesis reconstruction?

After reconstructive breast prosthesis surgery, your incisions may be bandaged with sterile gauze or bandage. Depending on the details of your surgery, you may be given a special bra.

In some cases, a drain is temporarily placed under the skin to collect excess blood and fluid that may accumulate.

You will be given specific instructions which may include:

How to take care of the surgical area

Medicines that need to be used

Signs to focus on in the surgical area and your general health.

The time of your next visit to the plastic surgeon

What results should I expect after breast prosthesis reconstruction?

The final result of the breast prosthesis will be affected by swelling. It takes at least 6 weeks for the swelling to go away and the breasts to feel soft and natural. In some cases, it may take 6 to 12 months for the breasts to return to normal.


The treatment time is different for everyone, and sometimes it may take longer for the breasts to become flat, to regain their natural sensitivity, for the scars to fade, and for the patient to get used to wearing the prosthesis. Please discuss your realistic expectations with your surgeon.

Medicine and surgery are not exact sciences. Although good results are expected, there is no guarantee. In some situations, your desired result may not be achieved with one surgery and another surgery is needed.

When you get home, if you have shortness of breath, chest pain, or an unusual heartbeat, seek emergency medical care immediately.

If any of these things happen, you may need hospitalization and medical attention.

Following your surgeon’s instructions is the key to successful surgery. It is very important that your surgical incisions are not under pressure, swollen, or moving during recovery. Your doctor will give you detailed instructions for taking care of yourself.


What words should I know about breast implant surgery?

Capsule contraction
Scar tissue that forms inside the body, around the prosthesis, and sometimes it can be thick or tight, causing the prosthesis to feel bad or look hard.

general anesthesia
Medicines and gases are used to eliminate pain and consciousness during the operation.

Accumulation of blood under the skin that causes swelling and pain.

Intravenous sedative

Sedatives are injected into a vein to help you relax.


Local anesthesia
The anesthetic is injected directly into the incision site and numbs the area.

Types of reconstructive breast surgery methods

There are different types of reconstructive surgery for the breast and sometimes the restoration process is not limited to one surgery and requires different surgeries. When the patient gets all the necessary information, he must decide whether or not to perform this surgery. There are two main types of breast reconstruction surgery:

– Using silicone or salt solution as an implant or breast prosthesis

– Using the patient’s own body tissue, which is known as flap surgery.

Sometimes implant and flap surgery are performed simultaneously and help to reconstruct the breast.


The right time for breast reconstruction surgery

Sometimes, due to diseases such as breast cancer, the patient is forced to empty the breast. In this situation, breast reconstruction surgery is often performed at the same time as breast removal.

Sometimes, the breast surgeon determines that after breast removal, it is necessary not to perform breast reconstruction for a period of time. Therefore, the patient should be patient for some time and not perform this surgery.

For breast reconstruction surgery, the condition of the patient should be taken into consideration, usually this reconstruction is done immediately after the surgery, but sometimes a person has to wait 6 to 12 months after the breast removal surgery to be able to perform the breast reconstruction surgery.

This delay in breast reconstruction surgery is caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Therefore, if there is a delay in your breast reconstruction surgery, do not worry, this surgery will be performed after complete treatment.

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