Chin prosthesis surgery in Iran – chin implant

Chin prosthesis surgery in Iran

Chin prosthesis surgery in Iran

Chin prosthesis surgery in Iran , which is also called genioplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed in order to create better balance and harmony in people’s facial features. This surgery can help increase the size, shape, and prominence of the chin and thus can have a positive effect on a person’s profile.

Performing chin prosthesis surgery in Iran

This surgery is usually performed under general or local anesthesia with sedation. The main steps of the operation are as follows:

1. Initial consultation: The surgeon examines the patient’s goals by examining the structure of the face and chin and explains the available options.

2. Choosing a prosthesis: Prostheses are made of silicone or other biological materials compatible with the body and are available in different sizes and shapes.

3. Surgical incision: the surgeon makes an incision inside the mouth (under the lower lip) or under the chin in order to access the tissue under the skin.

4. Placing chin prosthesis surgery, which is also known as genioplasty, is a surgery that is performed to modify the shape or size of the chin to make it fit more with the other parts of the face. This operation may be done for cosmetic reasons or to improve performance.

Who are good candidates for chin prosthesis surgery in Iran ?

– People who have a small or receding chin, which causes the balance of the face to be disturbed.

– People who have dysfunction of the jaw and need to repair the chin structure.

– People who have jaw or face abnormalities that can be corrected with prostheses.

– People who are physically healthy and have realistic expectations of surgical results.

How to perform chin prosthesis surgery in Iran

Surgery is usually performed under general or local anesthesia with sedation. The general steps of the surgery are as follows:

1. Examination and consultation: By examining the patient’s face and chin, the cosmetic surgeon understands his needs and expectations. Then he explains the different methods and the type of suitable prosthesis.

2. Choosing a prosthesis: Prostheses are made of materials that are compatible with body tissues, such as silicone or Medpur. The size and shape of the prosthesis is selected based on the needs of the patient.

3. Surgery: The surgeon makes an incision in the inside of the mouth under the lower lip or under the chin to access the placement of the prosthesis. Then he creates a space to place the prosthesis and puts the prosthesis in place.

4. Closing the incisions: After placing the prosthesis, the surgeon closes the incisions with stitches.

5. Recovery period: After the operation, the patient may experience swelling and bruising . Establish facial features. This operation may be done for cosmetic reasons or to improve performance.

Who are good candidates for chin prosthesis surgery in Iran ?

– People who have a small or receding chin, which causes the balance of the face to be disturbed.

– People who have dysfunction of the jaw and need to repair the chin structure.

– People who have jaw or face abnormalities that can be

What to expect from chin prosthesis surgery in Iran

Chin prosthesis surgery or genioplasty is a surgery that is performed with the aim of improving the fit and appearance of the chin. If you are looking to do this, you can expect the following:

Before surgery:

Detailed consultation: review of your aesthetic goals and determine whether chin prosthesis surgery is right for you.

– Medical examination: general health assessment and medical history.

– Images: taking pictures of the chin and face for surgery planning and comparisons before and after surgery.

– Instructions: Providing specific instructions before surgery, such as avoiding certain medications or drugs and alcohol.

During surgery:

– Anesthesia: Surgery is usually performed under general or local anesthesia with sedation.

– Surgery: The duration of surgery is usually between one and three hours.

After surgery:

– Recovery: The patient should expect swelling, bruising, and some pain that can be controlled with prescribed medications.

Post-surgery care: You will receive instructions for the care of the surgical site, nutrition and physical activities.

– Follow-up sessions: to remove the stitches and evaluate the healing progress.

– Final results: The final results may be visible a few months after the inflation has subsided and the recovery is complete.

Expected results:

– Improve appearance: creating a visual balance between the chin and other facial features.

– Strengthening self-confidence: improving a person’s perception of his appearance.

– Durability of results: Results are usually permanent, but age-related changes and medical conditions can have an effect.

Limitations and risks:

– Realistic expectations: It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that results can vary.
Risks of surgery: As with any surgery, there are risks such as infection, bleeding, and reactions to anesthesia

Recovery steps after chin prosthesis surgery in Iran

After chin prosthesis surgery in Iran , the recovery process is usually divided into the following stages:

Immediately after surgery (first week):

– Swelling and bruising: Swelling and bruising around the surgical area is normal and may spread to other parts of the face such as the neck and the lower part of the face.
– Pain and discomfort: mild to moderate pain that is controlled with pain medications recommended by the surgeon.
Diet: You may need a liquid or soft diet to reduce pressure on the chin.
– Limitation in activities: Avoid heavy activities and sports that may put pressure on the surgical area.

1 to 2 weeks after surgery:

– Reduction of swelling and bruising: swelling and bruising will gradually decrease.
– Removal of stitches: If non-absorbable stitches have been used, you must see a surgeon to remove them.
– Increased activity: You may be able to gradually resume your daily activities.

3 to 6 weeks after surgery:

– Continued reduction of inflation: inflation must have decreased significantly.
– Continued care: following the surgeon’s instructions for the care of the operated area.
– Medical check-ups: visiting a surgeon to ensure the proper progress of recovery.

6 weeks to several months after surgery:

– Final results: The swelling should be almost gone and the new chin shape will start to appear.
Full recovery: The surgical area should be almost healed, but there may still be slight changes in swelling for a few months.

Long term (several months to a year):

– Consolidation of results: inflation must subside completely and self-confidence results can be increased through various paths. Here are some key steps to boosting your confidence:

1. Set realistic goals: Setting small, achievable goals can help you experience successes that boost your confidence.

2. Recognition of skills and talents: Accurate assessment of one’s abilities and talents and working on improving them can increase feelings of competence and self-confidence.

3. Dealing with negative thoughts: learning methods of managing negative thoughts and replacing them with positive and constructive thoughts.

4. Self-care: Taking care of your physical and mental health, including proper nutrition, regular exercise, and getting enough sleep can help improve your overall well-being and feel good about yourself.

5. Study and learn: Increasing knowledge and skills in areas of interest can help you feel more valuable and competent.

6. New Challenges: Getting into new and challenging situations can help you explore your boundaries and boost your confidence.

7. Improving communication skills: Strengthening communication skills can be effective in creating positive relationships and gaining social support.

8. Exercise courage: Doing things that might be a little scary, like public speaking or facing a difficult situation, can help you boost your confidence.

9. Appreciation and positive reinforcement: Focusing on your successes and accepting compliments from others can help you feel good about yourself.

10. Get advice and support: Get professional advice if you need it

Chin prosthesis brands

In the chin prosthesis market, there are several famous and popular brands. Below are some of the famous chin prosthesis brands:

Mentor: Mentor is a leading manufacturer of breast implants and tissue expanders and also offers a variety of chin implants. The Mentor chin implant is made of silicone gel and is available in various shapes and sizes to suit individual needs.

Allergan: Allergan is another major manufacturer of breast implants and tissue expanders, and also offers a line of chin implants. Allergan chin implants are made of silicone gel and are available in different shapes and sizes.

Sientra: Sientra is a newer company that manufactures breast implants and tissue expanders and also offers a line of chin implants. Sientra chin implants are made of silicone gel and are available in various shapes and sizes.

Implantech: Implantech is a company that specializes in manufacturing chin implants. Implantec chin implants are made of various materials including silicone gel, high density polyethylene (HDPE) and porous polyethylene (PPE).

Stryker: Stryker is a company that manufactures a wide range of medical devices, including chin implants. Stryker chin implants are made of silicone gel and are available in various shapes and sizes.

The best chin prosthesis brand for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. Your doctor can help you choose the right implant based on your desired results and overall health.

Types of incisions in chin prosthesis surgery in Iran

Two main types of incisions are used in chin prosthesis surgery in Iran :

Submental incision: This incision is made under the chin, in the crease between the chin and the neck. This is the most common type of incision used for chin surgery.

Intraoral incision: This incision is made inside the mouth along the lower gum line. This incision is less visible than a submental incision, but may be more difficult to keep clean and dry.

The type of incision used for your surgery depends on your individual needs and preferences. Your doctor will discuss the different options with you and help you choose the best incision for you.

In addition to the main incision, the doctor may make a small incision below your ear to insert the drain. Drainage helps remove excess blood or fluid from the surgical site.

Advantages and disadvantages of submental and intraoral incisions

Submental incision:

The scar is less visible
Easier to keep clean and dry

Greater risk of infection
It may damage the mental nerve, which can lead to numbness or tingling in the chin

Intraoral incision:

Less risk of infection
Less risk of damage to the mental nerve

A more visible scar

It is harder to keep clean and dry

Which cut is right for me?

The best way to determine which incision is right for you is to talk to your doctor. They will be able to assess your individual needs and preferences and help you choose the best option for you.

In general, a submental incision is a good choice for people who are concerned about the visibility of their scars. Intraoral incision is a good choice for people who are at high risk of infection or have a history of mental nerve damage.

Durability of chin prosthesis surgery

Chin augmentation surgery is generally considered a durable procedure, and most implants last for years. However, the durability of the implant depends on various factors, including the type of implant used, the skill of the surgeon, and the patient’s individual response to treatment.

Type of implant

Chin implants are usually made of silicone gel or high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Silicone gel implants are softer and more flexible than HDPE implants, but are also more prone to rupture. HDPE implants are harder and more durable than silicone gel implants, but they are also more visible and may feel less natural.

The skill of the surgeon

The skill of the surgeon is also an important factor in the durability of chin prosthesis surgery in Iran . A skilled surgeon can place the implant correctly and minimize the risk of complications.

Patient’s individual therapeutic response

The patient’s individual treatment response also affects the durability of the implant. Patients who heal quickly and without complications are more likely to have long-term implants.

Average lifespan of chin implant

The average lifespan of a chin implant is 10 to 15 years. However, some implants may last 20 years or more, while others may need to be replaced sooner due to complications.

Signs that the implant needs to be replaced

There are several signs that may indicate the need for a chin implant replacement, including:

Pain or discomfort
Swelling or bruising
Evacuation from the incision site
Implant migration
Implant rupture
If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately.

Revision surgery

If the chin implant needs to be replaced, revision surgery can be performed. Revision surgery is usually more complicated than primary surgery and carries a higher risk of complications. However, revision surgery can be successful in restoring the desired results of the initial surgery.

Overall, chin augmentation surgery is a durable procedure with a high success rate. However, the durability of the implant depends on various factors, including the type of implant used, the skill of the surgeon, and the patient’s individual response to treatment.

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