Breast lift surgery
Breast lift surgery raises the breasts and gives them a new shape by removing excess skin and gathering the surrounding tissue.
What is breast lift surgery?
The new statistics of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that breast lift surgery has increased by 70% since 2000, and the number of lift surgeries is twice the number of breast prosthesis surgeries.
Sometimes the halo around the nipple grows over time, and a breast lift can eliminate this problem well.
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Breast lift surgery can rejuvenate your body by giving your breasts a more youthful and prominent appearance. Women’s breasts usually change over time and lose their youthful appearance. These changes and loss of skin elasticity can be caused by the following:
- -Pregnancy
- – Breastfeeding
- – Changes in weight
- -age increasing
- -gravity
- – Inheritance

What can breast lift surgery do?
Breast lift surgery does not exactly change the size of your breasts. If you want to have fuller breasts, perform breast lift and breast prosthesis together.
If you want smaller breasts, perform breast lift and breast reduction together.
How to perform breast lift surgery
Who is the right candidate for breast lift surgery?
Breast lift surgery is an operation that depends on your taste and preferences. You have to do this for yourself, not for someone else’s wishes or to fit yourself into any ideal image of this type of surgery.
If you have the following conditions, you can be a candidate for breast lift surgery
- -Physical health and stable weight
- – Do not smoke
- – The fact that your breasts have fallen and lost their shape bothers you
- – Normally, your nipples fall under the chest
Your nipple is down
– Your skin is stretched and the areola of the nipple is enlarged
One of the breasts is lower than the other
What should I expect during the consultation for breast lift surgery?
During the breast lift surgery consultation, be ready to talk about the following:
– Your goals from breast lift surgery
– Medical conditions, drug sensitivity and medical treatments
– Medicines, herbal supplements and vitamins that you are currently using; Use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, previous surgeries, do you have a family history of breast cancer or not
– The results of mammograms
Procedures of your plastic surgeon
Evaluation of your general health status and any pre-existing health problems and risk factors
Talk about your options
Evaluating and measuring your breasts and even measuring each part, the quality of the skin and the location of your nipples and the halo around the nipples.
taking pictures
Proposed treatment method
Talk about the possible results of breast lift and any possible risks
What questions should I ask my plastic surgeon about breast lift surgery?
Be sure to ask your questions. To help you, we have prepared a list of questions you may want to ask your plastic surgeon that you can take with you to your consultation.
It is very important to consider all aspects of a breast lift. It is normal to feel worried. Whether this concern is due to excitement for your new look or stress. Don’t be shy about sharing these feelings with your surgeon.
Procedures before breast lift surgery
Use this list as a guide during the counseling session
Are you specially trained for this job?
In which hospital or clinic do you perform this procedure?
How many operations have you done in this field?
Am I a good candidate for this surgery?
What will be expected of me to get the best result?
What surgical technique is recommended for me?
How long will the recovery period last and what help will I need during the recovery period?
What risks and complications will this surgery bring?
How will my ability to breastfeed be affected?
What will my breasts look like after some time?
What options do I have if I am not satisfied with the result of the lift?
Do you have before and after photos of each procedure for me to look at and what are the reasonable results?
What are the risks of breast lift surgery?
The decision to undergo breast plastic surgery is highly personal. You have to decide if the surgery will meet your needs or not. And whether the risks and possible problems of breast lift are acceptable to you or not.
You will be asked to sign papers that show you are fully aware of the procedure you are about to do and its potential risks and complications.
Possible risks of breast lift surgery
Dangers of anesthesia
Improper repair of incisions
Changes in breast or nipple tenderness that may be permanent or temporary
Abnormality of chest lines or its position
Breast asymmetry
Adipose tissue under the skin may be lost
Fluid accumulation
The possibility of losing part or all of the nipple and areola
Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
Possible need for re-surgery
These and other risks will be discussed in detail. It is very important that you ask all your questions directly to your plastic surgeon.
Breast lift and breast prosthesis
Some women may want to do breast prosthesis in addition to breast lift . Breast implants make the breasts fuller. Prostheses can be placed at the same time as a breast lift or in another surgery, and this depends on the experience of the surgeon.
How should I prepare for breast lift surgery?
During the preparation for breast lift surgery, you may be asked the following:
Necessary tests or medical evaluation
Using certain medications or adjusting medications you are currently taking
Doing a mammogram before and after the operation will detect any changes in your breast tissue
No smoking
Not using aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs or herbal drugs, because they increase bleeding
Breast lift surgery may be performed in a surgery center, on an outpatient basis, or in a hospital
Be sure to coordinate with someone who will take you to and from the surgery site and stay with you at least the night after the operation.
Breast lift surgery and pregnancy
Breast lift surgery should be done after the baby is over
Changes in breast appearance during breastfeeding can destroy the desired results of breast lift.
Visible weight loss after breast lift surgery can negatively affect the appearance of your breasts.
What are the steps of breast lift surgery?
Your breast lift operation can be done with different methods and different incisions.
The right method for you is estimated according to the following:
Breast size and shape
The size and position of the nipple
The degree of breast sagging
The quality of the skin and its elasticity, as well as extra skin
First stage: Anesthesia
In order for you to be comfortable during the procedure, you will be anesthetized before the procedure.
Second step: cutting
In most cases, the incisions of this procedure are around the areola of the breast, and based on the amount of breast sagging and the amount of excess skin, a vertical cut from the areola around the breast to the underbust, as well as a horizontal incision on the fold under the breast.
The third stage: reshaping the breasts
After your doctor makes the incisions, the underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped to improve the contours and shape of the breast.
The nipple and areola are placed in a more natural and youthful position
If necessary, the halo around the enlarged breast will be reduced.
Excess skin is removed
breast lift
Fourth step: closing the cuts
After your breasts are reshaped and the extra skin is removed, the rest of the skin is stretched by closing the incisions.
Some breast lift lines match the natural lines of the breast and are hardly visible. However, the rest of them may be visible on the surface of the chest. Scars are permanent, but in most cases they fade and heal over time.
Many women want to have as few scars as possible. However, your plastic surgeon will offer the incision method that is most suitable for your anatomy.
Listen to your surgeon and don’t jeopardize the results of your surgery by choosing an incision that isn’t right for you.
Sutures are placed between the tissues to build and support the newly formed breasts. A special suture or adhesive may be used to close the skin.
breast lift
The fifth step: Viewing the results
The results of breast lift surgery will be seen immediately.
What should I expect during the recovery period after breast lift surgery?
During the recovery period of breast lift surgery, after the operation is finished, the incisions created will be bandaged.
In order to have the least amount of swelling and support the breasts during the treatment, you should use a bandage or a special bra.
A small, thin tube (drain) may be temporarily placed under your skin to collect any extra blood or fluid that may accumulate. You will be given detailed instructions which may include:
How to take care of your breasts after surgery
Medicines that need to be used to help heal and prevent possible infection
The time of your next visit to the plastic surgeon
Make sure you ask your surgeon specifically about your recovery time.
Where will they take me when the surgery is over?
What medicines do I need to take after surgery?
Are the stitches pulled?
When can I resume my usual activities and sports?
When should I go for examination and post-operative care?
What results should I expect after breast lift surgery?
The results of breast lift surgery are immediately visible. Over time, the swelling after the surgery will disappear and the incision lines will disappear.
Factors affecting the durability of breast lift results
As you know, breast lift is a cosmetic procedure that is performed to remove sagging breast tissue, remove excess and hanging skin, change the shape of breast tissue, and improve the appearance of people’s breasts.
It doesn’t matter whether breast sagging is due to hormonal factors, pregnancy and breastfeeding for a person or due to age and overweight. In any case, breast lift surgery will be very popular for the individual due to its natural appearance and longevity.
Although there are various factors that will affect the durability of the results, the breast lift procedure is designed in such a way that the results are permanent.
The beauty of the breasts will remain long after the surgery despite sudden changes in weight. Although no type of cosmetic surgery can stop time, but by performing this surgery as the age increases, one can look years younger than their actual age.
Some of the risks of breast surgery include:
- – Complications due to anesthesia
- – Bleeding
- – Blood clot swelling under the tissue
- – Infection
- – Failure to heal the wound
- – Changes in breast sensitivity
- – Breast asymmetry
- – Abnormalities in the shape of the breast