What to expect from best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran -2024

best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran

the best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran

When consulting with best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran after a mastectomy or other breast surgery, you can expect a comprehensive process that includes several steps:


– Assessment: The best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran will review your medical history, previous surgeries, current health status, and the results of your mastectomy.
– Discussion: They will discuss your goals, expectations, and any concerns you have regarding the breast prosthesis.
– Options: The surgeon will explain the different types of breast prostheses available, including materials (silicone, saline, foam, etc.), shapes, and sizes. They will also discuss whether you’re a candidate for a custom-made prosthesis or if a standard off-the-shelf prosthesis would be suitable.
– Fitting: If you opt for an off-the-shelf prosthesis, the surgeon or a trained fitter will measure your chest and remaining breast (if applicable) to find the best match.

Pre-Operative Planning

– Custom Prosthesis: For a custom prosthesis, detailed measurements and molds of your chest wall and remaining breast may be taken to create a prosthesis that fits your body perfectly.
– Visualizing the Outcome: The best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran may use 3D imaging or other tools to help you visualize what the prosthesis will look like.
– Medical Clearance: You may need to undergo medical evaluations or tests to ensure you’re fit for the procedure, if applicable.

The Fitting Process

– Initial Fitting: Once the prosthesis is ready, an initial fitting will be scheduled to ensure comfort and symmetry.
– Adjustments: Adjustments might be made to the prosthesis for a better fit if necessary.
– Final Fitting: You’ll have a final fitting to ensure that the prosthesis meets your expectations and fits well with your bra and clothing.

Education and Support

– Care Instructions: You’ll receive instructions on how to care for, clean, and maintain your prosthesis.
– Lifestyle Guidance: The surgeon or staff will give you advice on the types of bras and clothing that work best with a prosthesis, as well as any activity restrictions.
– Emotional Support: They may offer resources for psychological support, as adjusting to a breast prosthesis can be an emotional process.


– Regular Check-Ups: You may have follow-up appointments to check on how you’re adapting to the prosthesis and to make any necessary changes.
– Long-Term Care: The best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran will let you know how often to replace the prosthesis and schedule regular visits to check for fit, as your body may change over time.

Insurance and Cost

– Financial Counseling: The surgeon’s office may provide counseling on the cost, insurance coverage, and financing options for the prosthesis.

Remember that a breast prosthesis can be a significant part of the post-mastectomy healing process, helping to restore balance and symmetry to the body and often improving quality of life. It’s essential to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon or fitter who can guide you through the process with sensitivity and expert care.

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best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran
best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran

Breast prosthesis procedure step by step

If you’re referring to the creation and fitting process of an external breast prosthesis (not an implant), here is a step-by-step overview:

Step 1: Initial Consultation

– Assessment: You meet with a certified mastectomy fitter or a healthcare provider to discuss your needs and options for a breast prosthesis.
– Education: You learn about the different types of prostheses, such as non-silicone and silicone prostheses, their benefits, and maintenance.

Step 2: Choosing the Right Prosthesis

– Fit: The fitter takes into account the size and shape of your remaining breast (if applicable), your body type, and lifestyle needs.
– Selection: You choose from available pre-made prostheses or the option for a custom-fitted prosthesis.

Step 3: Customization (If Applicable)

– Molding: If a custom prosthesis is chosen, a mold or scan of your chest wall and breast area is taken to create a prosthesis that matches your contours and skin tone.
– Manufacturing: The custom prosthesis is then manufactured based on the specifications obtained from the molding process.

Step 4: Fitting Appointment

– Trial: Once the prosthesis is ready, you will have a fitting session to ensure proper comfort, fit, and symmetry.
– Adjustment: Any necessary adjustments are made to the prosthesis for a better fit.

Step 5: Education on Usage and Care

– Care Instructions: You receive instructions on how to wear, care for, and clean the breast prosthesis.
– Lifestyle Tips: The fitter may provide tips on bra selection, dressing, and engaging comfortably in various activities.

Step 6: Follow-Up

– Scheduled Visits: You may have follow-up visits to ensure the prosthesis continues to fit well and remains comfortable.
– Replacements: Since prostheses have a limited lifespan, typically 1-2 years, you’ll be advised on when to consider getting a replacement.

Step 7: Insurance and Payment

– Documentation: The fitter or healthcare provider ensures all necessary documentation is in order for insurance purposes.
– Billing: The prosthesis is billed to your insurance, and any additional costs are explained to you.

Additional Considerations

– Emotional Adjustment: You may experience an emotional response to wearing a prosthesis, and support groups or counseling are often recommended.
– Physical Comfort: Over time, you’ll adapt to the weight and feel of the prosthesis, and adjustments can be made if your weight or body shape changes.

For internal prostheses, such as surgical breast implants, the process involves surgical insertion and is quite different. Always ensure you’re working with certified professionals and that you clearly understand all your options and what each step entails.

During breast implant procedure

The breast implant procedure, also known as breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical process that enhances the size and shape of the breasts using implants. Here’s a step-by-step guide to what typically happens during the procedure:

Step 1: Pre-Operative Preparations

– Medical Evaluation: You undergo a medical evaluation and discuss your goals, implant choices (silicone or saline), and potential risks with your surgeon.
– Anesthesia: On the day of surgery, you receive anesthesia—typically general anesthesia to keep you asleep during the operation or, in some cases, local anesthesia with sedation.

Step 2: Making the Incision

– Incision Site: The best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran makes an incision in one of several possible locations, depending on the type of implant, degree of enlargement, your anatomy, and patient-surgeon preference. Common incision sites include underneath the breast (inframammary), around the areola (periareolar), or in the armpit (transaxillary).

best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran
best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran

Step 3: Inserting and Positioning the Implant

– Creating a Pocket: The surgeon creates a pocket for the implant either:
– Under the Pectoral Muscle (Submuscular): Implants are placed beneath the pectoral muscle, which can provide a more natural look for patients with minimal breast tissue.
– Over the Pectoral Muscle, Behind the Breast Tissue (Subglandular): Implants are placed behind the breast tissue but over the pectoral muscle, often chosen for patients with moderate amounts of breast tissue.

– Inserting the Implant: The surgeon inserts the breast implant into the pocket and positions it behind the nipple.

Step 4: Closing the Incisions

– Layered Sutures: Incisions are closed with layered sutures in the breast tissue.
– Skin Adhesive/Sutures: The skin may be closed with surgical tape, skin adhesives, or sutures.

Step 5: Seeing the Results

– Immediate Results: The results of the breast augmentation are immediately visible, though swelling and incision lines will be present.

Step 6: Recovery

– Observation: After the surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area where you will be closely monitored.
– Going Home: Breast augmentation is usually an outpatient procedure, though some patients may stay overnight in the hospital or surgical center.

Step 7: Post-Operative Care

– Instructions: You will be given specific instructions on how to care for your breasts post-surgery, medications to apply or take orally for healing and to reduce the risk of infection, and when to follow up with your surgeon.
– Support Garments: You may need to wear a support bra or compression garment to minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal.

Step 8: Follow-Up

– Check-Ups: You will have follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery and the condition of your implants.

Risks and Complications

Like any surgery, breast augmentation comes with risks, which may include infection, changes in nipple or breast sensation, implant leakage or rupture, and the need for additional surgery. It’s important to discuss all potential risks and complications with best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran before the procedure.

The complete recovery period varies, with most patients returning to work within a few days to a week. Strenuous activities should be avoided for at least 2-4 weeks. The final results may take several weeks to months to fully develop as the swelling subsides and the implants settle into their natural position.

Recovery after breast prosthesis surgery

Recovery after breast prosthesis surgery varies depending on whether you’ve received an external prosthesis fitting or undergone surgery for breast implants. Since breast implants involve a surgical procedure, I will outline the recovery process for breast implant surgery:

Immediate Post-Operative Recovery

– Observation: After the surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area where you are closely monitored as you wake up from anesthesia.
– Pain Management: You may experience pain, tightness, and discomfort which can be managed with medications prescribed by best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran.
– Instructions: Before you leave the hospital or clinic, you will be given detailed instructions on how to care for your surgical sites, medications to take to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection, and when to return for follow-up visits.

The First Few Days

– Rest: You should rest and avoid any strenuous activities that could raise your pulse and blood pressure.
– Support Garments: You may need to wear a surgical bra or a compression garment to support your breasts and minimize swelling.
– Managing Swelling: Swelling and bruising are normal and will peak within the first few days before gradually decreasing.

Weeks 1-2

– Activity Level: Gradually increase your activity as recommended by your surgeon, but continue to avoid heavy lifting and vigorous exercise.
– Monitoring: Watch for any signs of infection or complications and report them to your surgeon if they occur.
– Healing: Incisions start to heal, and you may begin to feel more comfortable.

Weeks 3-6

– Normal Activities: Most patients can return to work and normal social activities within a few weeks, provided these activities are not physically demanding.
– Exercise: Light exercises may be resumed, but you should continue to avoid high-impact activities.
– Follow-Up Visits: Attend all scheduled appointments so your surgeon can assess your recovery.

Beyond 6 Weeks

– Final Results: Swelling continues to subside, and scars will begin to fade. The final results of the surgery are typically visible.
– Resuming Activities: You can generally resume all normal activities, including exercise, as directed by your surgeon.

Long-Term Care

– Scar Care: Follow your surgeon’s instructions on how to care for your scars to ensure they heal optimally.
– Regular Check-Ups: Regular check-ups are important to monitor the condition of your implants.
– Self-Examinations: Perform regular breast self-exams and schedule routine mammograms as recommended based on your age and family history.

Special Considerations

– Emotional Changes: Emotional ups and downs are normal as you adjust to the changes in your body.
– Sensation: Changes in breast and nipple sensation are common, and for most people, sensation returns to normal within a few months.

Tips for Recovery

– Follow Instructions: Adhere to all post-operative instructions provided by best breast prosthesis surgeon in Iran.
– Stay Hydrated and Eat Healthily: Good nutrition and hydration can aid healing.
– Avoid Smoking: Smoking can impede the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

Always keep in close contact with your surgeon’s office if you have any concerns during the recovery phase, and be sure not to rush the healing process. Your body needs time to adjust to the changes and heal properly.

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