Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran – BBL price 2024

Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran

Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran

Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran is a specialized procedure in the field of cosmetic surgery that is performed to improve the shape and size of the buttock. Also known as a Brazilian butt lift, this procedure involves removing fat from other areas of the body, such as the abdomen, flanks and back, and re-injecting it into the buttock area to give it more volume and a flatter, more defined appearance.

The use of ultrasound imaging in this process helps the surgeon to inject fat more accurately and precisely. This technique can allow the surgeon to more accurately determine the level of depth at which the fat should be placed, which can help reduce the risk of complications and increase the likelihood of achieving more favorable aesthetic results.

Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran has several advantages, including:

– High accuracy: ultrasound helps the surgeon to see the exact place of fat injection and avoid injecting into wrong parts or blood vessels.

Greater safety: With more careful monitoring, the risks of fat injection, such as fat embolism, can be reduced.

– Better results: having more control over the injection site, the surgeon can provide more natural results that are more in line with the patient’s expectations.

However, remember that every type of cosmetic surgery has its own risks and limitations.

During ultrasound-assisted BBL surgery, the following events occur:
1. Identification of anatomical structures: before fat injection, the surgeon can identify subcutaneous structures such as muscles, blood vessels and connective tissues using ultrasound. This helps the surgeon avoid injecting fat into dangerous areas that can cause complications.

2. Reducing the risk of complications: the use of ultrasound can reduce the risk of blockage of blood vessels by fat (fat embolism), because the surgeon can prevent the injection of fat into large blood vessels.

3. More accuracy in injection: Using ultrasound, the surgeon can more accurately inject fat in the specified and desired layers, which can help maximize the effectiveness of injected fat and improve buttock shaping.

4. Evaluation of results: During surgery, ultrasound can be used to evaluate the fat distribution and confirm that the fat is correctly placed in the intended area.

5. Reduced invasiveness: The use of ultrasound can help reduce surgical invasiveness, because with increased accuracy, the need to make additional incisions or multiple injections is reduced.

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The price of Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran

The cost of Brazilian hip lift surgery with ultrasound in Tehran is between 2000 and 3000 euros.
If you are not a resident of Tehran, the duration of stay is 7 days.

Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran

2300 euros

including surgeon + hospital fee
Other costs related to Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran
Cost of blood test Between 10 and 15 euros The difference depends on the type of blood test
The cost of consultation with a cardiologist Between 20 and 40 euros For people over 40 or heart patients
The price of a special gun Between 50 and 100 euros The price difference depends on the brand and model of the gun
The price of a special pillow after fat injection to the buttocks Between 10 and 20 euros If you have buttock fat injection
The cost of medicine and other health items Between 10 and 20 euros
Cost of Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran – optional
Cost of massage after surgery 15 euros Two massage sessions are recommended
Nurse fee (per night) 30 euros If you are traveling alone
The cost of changing the dressing by the nurse 15 euros


  • If you have an underlying disease or medication, let us know
  • If you have already had a Brazilian butt lift, the cost of the surgery will increase slightly.
  • Let us know if you have anemia or other blood disorders
Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran
Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran

Why should I use ultrasound to inject fat into the buttocks?

The use of ultrasound in buttock fat injection can have several advantages that help improve safety and quality of results:

1. High accuracy: ultrasound allows the surgeon to see the tissues where the fat should be injected more accurately. This helps ensure even and accurate fat distribution, which can lead to better aesthetic results.

2. Increased safety: By showing the internal structures of the body, ultrasound helps the surgeon avoid injecting fat into large blood vessels or other vital structures, which can reduce the risk of serious complications such as fat embolism.

3. Reducing the risk of damage to the surrounding tissues: by accurately displaying the injection sites, ultrasound helps the surgeon avoid damaging the surrounding tissues, such as muscles or nerves.

4. More natural results: Using ultrasound, the surgeon can inject fat in a way that matches the natural shape of the buttock, which helps achieve more natural and beautiful results.

5. More accurate planning: Before the operation, the surgeon can use ultrasound to plan more precisely the amount and place of fat injection.

6. Better intraoperative monitoring: During the procedure, ultrasound can act as a monitoring tool and allow the surgeon to make the necessary changes immediately.

7. Assessing the amount of available fat: Ultrasound can be useful in determining the amount of fat in the buttock region before surgery, which determines the amount of fat needed to achieve the desired volume. Using ultrasound to inject fat into the buttock has several advantages.

What happens in Brazilian hip surgery with ultrasound?

Brazilian butt lift surgery with ultrasound (Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL) involves the use of ultrasound images in real time to guide the surgeon during fat injection. This method helps the surgeon to see the exact place of fat injection and avoid injecting fat at the wrong depth, which can lead to risks.

Here are the general steps of performing Brazilian buttock surgery with ultrasound:

1. Surgical planning: Before starting the surgery, the surgeon can evaluate the donor areas (areas from which fat will be removed) and recipient areas (areas where fat will be injected) using ultrasound.

2. Fat removal: Fat is removed from donor areas such as the abdomen, flanks, or thighs through liposuction. The extracted fat is then cleaned and prepared to be ready for injection.

3. Ultrasound-guided fat injection: The surgeon injects the removed fat into the buttock areas through special syringes and cannulas. During this process, the surgeon uses ultrasound to guide the cannula to ensure that the fat is injected into the correct layers of soft tissue and away from vital structures such as large blood vessels.

4. Ensure even distribution: Ultrasound helps the surgeon to ensure even distribution of fat, which can help prevent unevenness and lumps of fat and lead to better aesthetic results.

5. Controlling the depth of injection: Since the ultrasound shows the subcutaneous tissues, the surgeon can control the depth of the Brazilian butt lift surgery (Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL) is an aesthetic procedure in which fat is removed from parts of the body and after processing, It is injected into the buttocks to improve its volume and shape. The use of ultrasound in BBL surgery is relatively new and aims to increase patient safety and improve outcomes.

Is Brazilian hip lasting longer with sonography?

The durability of Brazilian Butt Lift ( BBL ) results depends on several factors, including:

  • – Surgical techniques
  • – The quality of harvested fat
  • – How to process and inject fat
  • – The response of the patient’s body to fat injection
  • – Compliance with post-surgery instructions by the patient

The use of ultrasound in BBL surgery is specifically aimed at increasing the accuracy of injection and reducing the risks and complications associated with this method; Therefore, this method does not directly affect the shelf life of the injected fat, but rather helps the surgeon to inject the fat more accurately and safely.

Fat retention after a BBL depends on the amount of fat that survives the injection. If the fat is injected correctly and has good blood supply, the fat is more likely to stay and have longer lasting results. However, some of the injected fat is naturally absorbed by the body, and patients should expect some of the original volume to decrease.

Doctors may have specific recommendations to make the results last longer, such as:

  • – Avoid sitting upright or lying on your hips for the recommended period after surgery
  • – Following a healthy eating plan and regular exercise to maintain a constant weight
  • – Wearing a compression garment for the period recommended by the surgeon

Finally, it is best to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon to better understand how the use of ultrasound can help the BBL surgical process and how it affects the longevity of the results.

Is it easier to improve the Brazilian hip with ultrasound?

Using ultrasound in Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery can allow the surgeon to more accurately inject the fat, which may help reduce swelling and bruising. This, in turn, can make the recovery period a little easier for the patient. However, this difference may be minor and not significantly alter the patient’s recovery experience.

In general, the recovery period after BBL depends on the following factors:

  • – Volume of injected fat: injecting a larger volume of fat can lead to more swelling and discomfort.
  • – Surgical technique: Some techniques are less invasive and may have a shorter recovery period.
  • – Individual response of the body: each patient’s response to surgery and recovery process is different.
  • – Adherence to post-surgery instructions: following post-operative recommendations, such as adequate rest, use of compression garments and avoiding sitting directly on the buttocks for the recommended period.

The use of ultrasound can help the surgeon avoid injecting fat at an inappropriate depth and into blood vessels that can carry the risk of fat embolism. This can help reduce the risks of surgery and improve overall results, but it cannot be definitively said to make the recovery period easier.

For more detailed and personalized information, it is important to speak with the surgeon who performs the BBL procedure and ask him/her what to expect after the procedure and how to use the ultrasound.


What to expect from Brazilian butt with ultrasound

Ultrasound-assisted Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) means that the surgeon uses ultrasound for more precise guidance when injecting fat. This method can help increase the safety of surgery and reduce the risk of fat embolism, which is one of the serious risks associated with this type of surgery. Below are some reasonable expectations you can have from a BBL using ultrasound:

1. Higher safety: With continuous and more careful monitoring of the fat injection site, the surgeon can avoid injecting fat in dangerous areas that can lead to large blood vessels.

2. Greater precision: Ultrasound allows the surgeon to see the exact location of fat injection, which can lead to more even distribution of fat and better aesthetic results.

3. Reduced risk of complications: Ultrasound assistance can help reduce the risk of complications from incorrect fat injection, such as swelling, bruising, or infection.

4. Less Swelling and Faster Recovery: Although this is not guaranteed, being more careful may lead to less swelling and bruising, which can make the recovery period a little easier.

5. Improved aesthetic results: By using ultrasound, the surgeon can achieve more natural results that match the patient’s aesthetic goals.

However, it is important to remember that the results of surgery can vary depending on many factors, including the skill of the surgeon, the health and physical condition of the patient before surgery, and how well the patient follows the instructions after surgery.

Emphasizing that patients should have their expectations met before deciding to undergo any type of cosmetic surgery, the previous message seems to have been cut off. I wanted to say that patients should discuss their expectations with the surgeon performing the BBL procedure and receive complete information about the benefits, risks, recovery period, and possible outcomes. Also, it is necessary to choose a specialist and experienced surgeon and careful consultation before the operation to achieve the best results.

How many changes in the shape and size of the Brazilian buttock can be expected with ultrasound?

The final size and shape of the buttocks after Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery using ultrasound depends on several factors:

The amount of fat that can be removed and injected:

– Amount of available fat: To perform BBL, there must be enough fat in other parts of the body to be harvested.

– Quality of the skin and buttock tissue: The quality of the skin and its elasticity have a direct effect on the surgical results.

Surgical technique:

– Accuracy of injection: Using ultrasound can help the surgeon to inject fat more accurately, but the amount of changes depends on the skill of the surgeon and the injection strategy.

Recovery process:

– Fat analysis: after the injection, part of the injected fat may be absorbed by the body. Typically, approximately 60-80% of the injected fat remains, but this is variable.

– Adherence to post-surgery instructions: How you take care of yourself after surgery also affects the results. For example, using compression compresses, avoiding sitting directly on the buttocks for the recommended period, and paying attention to nutrition can improve the results.

Realistic expectations:

– Individual changes: each person responds differently to surgery and the results can be different. Surgeons may provide preoperative visualizations that create realistic expectations of outcomes.

Long-term changes: BBL results may change in the long-term, especially if there are significant changes in the patient’s weight.

Finally, although the use of ultrasound can help increase the safety and accuracy of surgery, the exact changes in the shape and size of the buttock depend on the above factors.

Patients should ask their surgeon what to expect from changes in the shape and size of the buttock after BBL surgery using ultrasound:

1. Volume Expectations: Patients can usually expect their buttocks to become fuller and rounder. The amount of volume increase depends on the amount of fat available for harvesting and injection.

2. Shaping and fit: BBL surgery not only helps to increase volume but also helps to shape the areas around the hips such as the waist and thighs to create a better fit between the hips and other parts of the body.

3. More natural results: Using ultrasound can allow the surgeon to inject fat more precisely and in deeper layers, which can lead to more natural results.

4. Longevity of results: While some of the injected fat may be absorbed during the first few months, the use of ultrasound may help preserve more fat, but this is not guaranteed.

5. Long-term changes: Major weight changes, pregnancy, and other factors can affect the shape and size of the hips in the long term.

6. Prediction of results: The use of imaging and ultrasound may allow the surgeon to more accurately predict the final results for the patient, but there is always some uncertainty.

It is important that patients understand that results may vary from person to person and should discuss their expectations with the surgeon to ensure that their expectations are realistic. They should also remember that following the post-operative instructions is essential to maintain the results of the surgery.

Brazilian buttocks with ultrasound guide in Iran

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