Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran – Recovery & Cost 2024

Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran

Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran

Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran , commonly known as breast reconstruction, is a surgical procedure to rebuild the breast(s) after mastectomy (removal of a breast, typically due to cancer) or lumpectomy (removal of a part of the breast), or to correct congenital deformities. The goal of reconstructive mammoplasty is to restore the breast to near normal shape, appearance, symmetry, and size following mastectomy or other trauma.

Here are key aspects of reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran :

Timing of Reconstruction

– Immediate Reconstruction: Performed at the same time as the mastectomy.
– Delayed Reconstruction: Performed months or years after the mastectomy, allowing time for other treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Techniques of Reconstruction

1. Implant-Based Reconstruction:
– Involves the placement of a breast implant filled with saline or silicone gel.
– May include a tissue expander that is gradually filled with saline to stretch the skin and make room for the final implant.

2. Autologous Tissue Reconstruction (Flap Procedures):
– Uses the patient’s own tissues from another part of the body (such as the abdomen, back, thigh, or buttocks) to recreate the breast mound.
– Common flap procedures include the TRAM flap (transverse rectus abdominis muscle), DIEP flap (deep inferior epigastric perforator), and latissimus dorsi flap.

3. Combination: Some patients may have a combination of implant and autologous tissue used in their reconstruction.

4. Fat Grafting: Uses liposuction to take fat from other parts of the body and inject it into the breast area to improve contour and shape.

Considerations Before Surgery

– Cancer Treatment: The type and timing of breast cancer treatment can influence the type of reconstruction and when it can be performed.
– Patient Health: Underlying health conditions, smoking status, and body type can affect the choice of reconstruction and potential outcomes.
– Patient Preference: The patient’s desires regarding breast size, appearance, recovery time, and potential scarring will influence the surgical plan.

The Surgical Procedure

– Depending on the type of reconstruction, surgery can last from 1 to 6 hours and is typically performed under general anesthesia.
– In autologous tissue reconstruction, two surgical sites are involved: the donor site and the breast.


– The recovery period varies based on the type of procedure performed. Implant-based reconstruction typically involves a shorter recovery than flap procedures.
– Hospital stay may range from 1 to 5 days.
– Drains may be placed to remove excess fluid; they are usually removed after a week or two.
– Pain, swelling, and bruising are common, and medications will be provided to manage discomfort.
– Patients are usually advised to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for 4 to 6 weeks.

Risks and Complications

– Like all surgeries, breast reconstruction carries risks such as infection, bleeding, scarring, and complications from anesthesia.
– Specific to breast reconstruction, there could be issues with implant rupture, capsular contracture, flap failure, asymmetry, and changes in breast or nipple sensation.


– Breast reconstruction can significantly improve the quality of life and psychological well-being for many women following breast cancer surgery.
– It may require more than one operation for final adjustments, nipple reconstruction, or symmetry procedures on the opposite breast.

Insurance Coverage

– In many countries, including the United States, insurance providers are required by law to cover breast reconstruction when it is related to mastectomy due to breast cancer.

Patients considering reconstructive mammoplasty should have detailed discussions with their surgical team, including a plastic surgeon who specializes in breast reconstruction, to understand the options, expectations, potential risks, and outcomes of the procedure.

The cost and price of Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran

Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran is done in a hospital

The price of reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran varies between 2200 and 6000 euros.

To calculate the price of Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran , send the following advice and information via WhatsApp

  • How long has been passed from the surgery
  • If you have a specific disease
  • how old are you
  • Explain your problem
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Reason for Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran

Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran , or breast reconstruction surgery, is performed for several reasons, primarily to rebuild the breast shape after it has been altered or removed due to various conditions or events. The primary reasons for undergoing reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran include:

1. Post-Mastectomy Reconstruction: The most common reason for breast reconstruction is following a mastectomy, which is the surgical removal of all or part of a breast, typically due to breast cancer. Reconstruction helps restore the breast’s appearance for those who have lost one or both breasts.

2. Post-Lumpectomy Reconstruction: After a lumpectomy, where only a portion of the breast tissue is removed to eliminate cancer, reconstruction may be performed to correct any significant deformities or asymmetries that result from the surgery.

3. Congenital Breast Deformities: Some women are born with breast deformities such as Poland syndrome, where part of the chest muscle and breast tissue are underdeveloped. Reconstructive surgery can create a breast that is more typical in appearance and symmetry.

4. Breast Asymmetry Correction: Significant asymmetry between the breasts can be emotionally and physically distressing for some women. Reconstructive procedures can balance the size and shape of the breasts.

5. Post-Traumatic Breast Reconstruction: Accidents or injuries that damage the breast tissue may necessitate reconstruction to restore the breast’s appearance and form.

6. Post-Radiation Therapy: Radiation treatment for breast cancer can lead to changes in breast tissue, causing hardening or shrinkage. Reconstructive surgery can help correct these changes.

7. Prophylactic Mastectomy: Women with a very high risk of developing breast cancer (such as those with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations) may choose to have a prophylactic mastectomy to remove healthy breasts and reduce their risk. Reconstruction can be performed immediately after this preventive surgery.

8. Revision of Previous Reconstruction: Some women may be unsatisfied with a previous reconstruction’s results or may have experienced complications and thus seek further reconstructive surgery to improve the outcome.

The decision to undergo reconstructive mammoplasty is highly personal and can be influenced by various factors, including the individual’s body image, desire for symmetry, type of clothes they wish to wear comfortably, and overall goals for reconstruction. It is important that the decision to have reconstructive surgery is made after thorough discussion with a medical team, including a plastic surgeon who can explain the benefits, risks, and expectations associated with the procedure.

Breast Reconstructive surgery type

Breast reconstructive surgery can be broadly categorized into two main types: implant-based reconstruction and autologous tissue reconstruction. Each type has various techniques and may be chosen based on the patient’s preference, body type, medical condition, and the specifics of their cancer treatment. Here’s a breakdown of the types and techniques:

Implant-Based Reconstruction

This type of reconstruction uses breast implants to create a new breast mound.

– Two-Stage Reconstruction: This is the most common approach, which first involves placing a tissue expander beneath the skin and chest muscle after the mastectomy. The expander is gradually filled with saline over weeks or months to stretch the skin. Once the skin has been sufficiently stretched, a second surgery is performed to replace the expander with a permanent implant.

– Direct-to-Implant Reconstruction: For some women, the permanent implant can be placed during the mastectomy in a single-stage procedure. This is usually only an option if there is enough healthy and viable skin to cover the implant immediately.

Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran
Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran

Autologous Tissue Reconstruction (Flap Procedures)

This type of reconstruction uses the patient’s own tissues from other parts of the body.

– TRAM Flap (Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle Flap): This technique uses muscle, fat, and skin from the lower abdomen to reconstruct the breast. The tissue can be left attached to its original blood supply and tunneled up to the chest, or it can be completely detached and moved to the chest as a free flap.

– DIEP Flap (Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap): Similar to the TRAM flap, the DIEP flap uses skin and fat from the abdomen but spares the muscle, which can lead to less post-operative pain and a lower risk of hernia.

– Latissimus Dorsi Flap: This method uses muscle, fat, and skin from the upper back tunneled to the front of the chest to create a breast mound. It is often used with a breast implant.

– GAP Flap (Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap): This technique uses skin and fat from the buttocks without taking muscle to recreate the breast.

– TUG Flap (Transverse Upper Gracilis Flap): This uses tissue from the upper thigh to reconstruct the breast.

Nipple and Areola Reconstruction

After the initial breast mound reconstruction, another procedure can be performed to reconstruct the nipple and areola. Techniques can include:

– Nipple Sharing: Taking part of the nipple from the other breast if it’s large enough.

– Local Flap: Creating a new nipple from the surrounding chest tissue.

– Skin Graft: Taking skin from another area of the body to create the areola.

– Tattooing: Medical tattooing can be used to add color to the nipple and areola.

Combination Techniques

Some patients may benefit from a combination of implant and autologous tissue techniques.

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting can be used as a supplementary technique to improve the contour and shape of the reconstructed breast or to correct minor irregularities.

Reconstruction After Lumpectomy

– Oncoplastic Surgery: Combines cancer surgery (lumpectomy) with plastic surgery techniques to reshape the remaining breast tissue at the time of tumor removal or shortly thereafter.

The choice between these types of breast reconstruction depends on many factors, including the patient’s body shape, previous treatments, desired outcome, and the potential need for additional treatments such as radiation, which might affect the choice of reconstruction technique. Each type of surgery has its benefits and risks, and the decision is highly individual. A thorough discussion with a reconstructive surgeon, often in coordination with an oncologist, is essential for a patient to make an informed choice.

Recovery after Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran

The recovery process after reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran can vary widely depending on the type of reconstruction performed, whether it was done in conjunction with a mastectomy, and the individual patient’s overall health. However, there are some common experiences and guidelines that many patients can expect during recovery.

Immediate Postoperative Recovery

– Hospital Stay: Depending on the procedure, you may stay in the hospital from one day to several days.
– Pain: Pain and discomfort are expected but can be managed with medications prescribed by your surgeon.
– Drains: Surgical drains might be placed to remove excess fluid from the surgical sites. These are typically removed after a week or two.
– Activity Restrictions: You will be advised to avoid lifting, strenuous activities, and possibly driving for several weeks.

Early Recovery (First Few Weeks)

– Wound Care: Instructions for caring for incisions and drains will be provided.
– Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common and should gradually subside.
– Medications: You will need to take medications to manage pain and prevent infection.
– Follow-Up Appointments: You will have appointments to check on your healing and remove sutures or drains if necessary.

Intermediate Recovery (First Few Months)

– Gradual Increase in Activity: Gradually, you will be able to increase your activity level, but it may take several weeks before you can return to all your normal activities.
– Continued Swelling: Some swelling may persist for weeks or even months.
– Physical Therapy: If necessary, you may begin physical therapy to regain range of motion and strength, especially after autologous tissue reconstruction.

Long-Term Recovery

– Final Results: It may take several months up to a year for the final results of the reconstruction to be apparent.
– Nipple Reconstruction: If you choose to have nipple reconstruction, it is typically done after the new breast has had time to heal.
– Scar Healing: Scars will gradually fade but may not disappear entirely.

Special Considerations

– Autologous Reconstruction: Recovery from autologous tissue procedures (like TRAM or DIEP flaps) can be more extensive than from implant reconstruction because it involves two areas of the body: the donor site and the chest.
– Radiation Therapy: If you will undergo or have undergone radiation therapy, it can affect the timing of reconstruction and the healing process.
– Secondary Procedures: Additional surgeries may be required for symmetry or implant exchange.

Tips for Recovery

– Follow all postoperative instructions: This includes care for incisions, activity restrictions, and medications.
– Attend all follow-up appointments: These are essential to monitor your progress and address any complications.
– Be patient with yourself: Healing takes time, and it’s normal to have good days and bad days.
– Seek support: Consider joining a support group or talking to a counselor as you adjust to changes in your body.
– Wear a Supportive Bra: Wear the surgical bra or a soft supportive bra as recommended by your surgeon to support your breasts and minimize swelling.

Complications to Watch For

– Infection: Signs of infection include excessive redness, warmth, worsening pain, or discharge from the incision sites.
– Blood Clots: Watch for signs of blood clots, such as excessive swelling or pain in one leg.
– Wound Healing Issues: If the incision isn’t healing as expected, or if you notice any opening of the wound, contact your surgeon.

Always keep open communication with your healthcare team and report any concerns you have during the recovery process. It’s important to remember that every person’s recovery journey is unique, and your surgeon will provide you with the most accurate expectations based on your individual circumstances.

What to expect from Reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran

When undergoing reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran , it’s important to have realistic expectations and to understand what the surgery can and cannot achieve. Here’s what patients can typically expect:

Before Surgery

– Consultation: Detailed discussions with your plastic surgeon about your goals, options for reconstruction, the risks and benefits, and the timing of the surgery.
– Preoperative Evaluation: Assessment of your general health, possibly including blood tests, mammography, or other imaging studies.
– Planning: Decision on the type of reconstruction, which may involve choosing between implants and autologous tissue reconstruction.
– Preparation Instructions: Guidance on preparing for surgery, which may include cessation of smoking, avoiding certain medications, and arranging for help during your recovery.

During Surgery

– Anesthesia: Reconstructive mammoplasty is performed under general anesthesia.
– Duration: The surgery can last from 1 to 6 hours or more, depending on the complexity of the procedure.
– Intraoperative Care: Monitoring of vital signs and management of fluids and medications to ensure your safety throughout the procedure.

After Surgery

– Immediate Postoperative Care: You will wake up in a recovery area where nurses will monitor you as you recover from anesthesia. You may have drains in place and be wearing a special surgical bra or bandages.
– Pain Management: You will receive pain medication to manage discomfort.
– Hospital Stay: Depending on the type of surgery, you may be discharged on the same day or stay in the hospital for a few days.

Short-Term Recovery

– Home Care: Instructions on caring for incisions, managing drains, recognizing signs of infection, and when to call the doctor.
– Activity Restrictions: You’ll need to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for several weeks.
– Follow-Up Visits: You will have scheduled visits with your surgeon to check your progress and remove sutures or drains if necessary.

Long-Term Recovery

– Healing: It will take weeks to months for swelling to subside and scars to fade. The final results may not be fully apparent for up to a year after surgery.
– Nipple Reconstruction: If desired, this can be performed after the breasts have healed from the initial reconstruction.
– Symmetry Procedures: Additional procedures may be performed to improve symmetry, which could include surgery on the opposite breast.

Emotional Recovery

– Adjustment: It’s common to go through a period of emotional adjustment as you get used to the changes in your body.
– Support: Counseling or support groups for breast cancer survivors can be extremely helpful.

Long-Term Outcomes

– Appearance: The reconstructed breast will not have the same sensation as the original breast and will likely have visible scars. However, the goal is to create a breast shape that looks natural under clothing or in a swimsuit.
– Maintenance: Implants may need to be replaced after a number of years. Flap reconstructions are generally more permanent but may change with significant weight fluctuations.
– Monitoring: Regular medical checkups and mammograms (on any remaining natural breast tissue) are important for ongoing health.

Risks and Complications

– Common Surgical Risks: These include infection, bleeding, and reactions to anesthesia.
– Specific Risks: Depend on the type of reconstruction and can include implant failure, flap necrosis, asymmetry, and complications at the donor site (for autologous reconstruction).

Insurance Coverage

– Coverage: Most health insurance plans in the United States are required by law to cover breast reconstruction after mastectomy, as well as surgery to achieve symmetry with the opposite breast.

Setting realistic expectations and having a clear understanding of the potential outcomes and risks can help patients feel prepared and reduce anxiety about undergoing reconstructive mammoplasty in Iran . Open communication with the surgical team is key to ensuring that patients have a good understanding of what to expect.

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