Facelift surgery in Iran – Recovery & Cost 2024

Facelift surgery in Iran

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Facelift surgery in Iran

Facelift surgery in Iran , also known as a rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at creating a more youthful facial appearance. It typically involves the removal of excess facial skin, with or without the tightening of underlying tissues, and the redraping of the skin on the patient’s face and neck.

Here are the key points about facelift surgery in Iran :

Types of Facelifts

– Traditional Full Facelift : Addresses the face entirely, including the jowls, neck, and cheeks. Incisions usually begin at the temples, continue around the ear, and end in the lower scalp.
– Mid-Face Lift : Focuses on the area around the nose, eyes, and corners of the mouth.
– Mini-Facelift : Less invasive and targets wrinkles and sagging skin on the lower third of the face, including the neck.
– Lower Facelift : Targets the bottom third of the face to improve the appearance of the jowls and neck.
– Thread Lift : A less invasive procedure that uses temporary, medical-grade suture material to “lift” the skin.

The Procedure

– Consultation : You’ll discuss your goals, health status, and potential risks with the plastic surgeon.
– Anesthesia : Facelifts are often performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.
– Incisions : Depending on the type of facelift, incisions will vary in length and pattern.
– Repositioning : Skin is lifted, underlying tissue may be repositioned or removed, and muscles can be tightened.
– Closing the Incisions : The skin is redraped over the uplifted contours and excess skin is trimmed away. Incisions are typically closed with sutures or skin adhesives.


– Downtime : Recovery times vary but most patients can return to normal activities within two weeks.
– Swelling and Bruising : Common and may last several weeks.
– Care : Follow your surgeon’s instructions for care, which may include medication for pain and antibiotics to prevent infection.


– Scarring
– Hematoma (bleeding)
– Infection
– Nerve injury that could result in facial muscle weakness
– Hair loss at the incision sites
– Skin loss
– Asymmetry
– Anesthesia risks
– Skin discoloration
– Prolonged swelling
– Unsatisfactory results that may require additional procedures


– Expectations : It’s important to have realistic expectations. A facelift can make you look younger and fresher but won’t change your fundamental appearance.
– Surgeon’s Qualifications : Ensure that the surgeon is board-certified and experienced in performing facelifts.
– Cost : Facelifts can be expensive, and the cost varies widely depending on the surgeon’s experience, the type of facelift, and the geographic location. Most health insurance plans do not cover cosmetic facelifts or their complications.


– Typically, facelift results are long-lasting, but a facelift can’t stop the aging process. Over time, facial skin may begin to droop again.
– Lifestyle choices, skin care, and genetics all play a role in maintaining the results.

If you are considering a facelift, it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, expectations, and any potential risks or complications.


(deep face and neck lift surgery)

  • The cost of face lift surgery in Tehran is between 2500 to 4000 euros
  • Usually one night stay in the hospital is considered
  • If you are not a resident of Tehran, the duration of stay in Tehran is 9 days

The cost of face and neck lift surgery

2500 euros

including surgeon + hospital fee
Other costs related to face and neck lift surgery in Tehran
Cost of blood test Between 10 and 15 euros The difference depends on the type of blood test
The cost of consultation with a cardiologist Between 20 and 40 euros For people over 40 or heart patients
The cost of medicine and other health items Between 10 and 20 euros
The cost of face and neck lift plastic surgery – optional
Nurse fee (per night) 30 euros If you are traveling alone
The cost of changing the dressing by the nurse


  • If you have an underlying disease or medication, let us know
  • If you have already had facial surgery, the cost of the surgery will increase slightly
  • Let us know if you have anemia or other blood disorders


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Types of facelift surgery incisions

Facelift surgery incisions are strategically placed to be as inconspicuous as possible and to allow for the removal or repositioning of skin and tissue. The type of incision made during a facelift depends on the technique used and the extent of the surgery required to achieve the desired results. Here are some of the common types of facelift incisions:

Traditional Facelift Incision

– Temporal Incision : Begins in the hairline at the temples, continues down in front of the ear (preauricular), and ends behind the earlobe in the lower scalp (postauricular).
– Full Incision : A traditional facelift incision often encompasses the temporal incision and may extend around the earlobe and behind the ear into the lower scalp.

Limited Incision Facelift

– Short-Scar Facelift : Also known as a “mini-lift,” this incision is similar to the traditional one but does not extend as far into the hairline or behind the ear. It usually runs along the temporal hairline, around the ear cartilage, and stops behind the tragus or at the earlobe.

Mid-Facelift Incision

– These incisions are often smaller and may be located within the lower eyelid or inside the mouth, allowing for the elevation of the cheeks and the area below the eyes.

Neck Lift Incision

– Starts in front of the earlobe, wraps around behind the ear, and ends in the lower scalp. An additional small incision may be made under the chin if neck work is needed.

Deep Plane Facelift Incision

– Similar to the traditional facelift incision, but it allows for deeper work beneath the muscle layer.

SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) Lift Incision

– Follows the pattern of the traditional or limited incision facelifts but is designed to lift and tighten the underlying muscle layer as well.

Composite Facelift Incision

– Extends the traditional facelift incision with additional incisions that may extend into the temporal and/or neck areas to address aging signs in both the face and the neck comprehensively.

Submental Incision

– A small incision made under the chin, often used in conjunction with other facelift techniques to address the neck and jowl area directly.

Facelift surgery in Iran
Facelift surgery in Iran

Each type of incision has its advantages and potential drawbacks in terms of the extent of lift, the visibility of scars, and the degree of invasiveness. The best approach for an individual patient will depend on their anatomy, the specific areas of the face they wish to improve, their skin quality, and their desired outcome. A board-certified plastic surgeon will be able to recommend the most appropriate technique based on these factors.

What to expect from facelift surgery

Facelift surgery in Iran , clinically known as rhytidectomy, is a procedure that aims to give a more youthful appearance to the face. It usually involves the removal of excess facial skin, with or without the tightening of underlying tissues, and the redraping of the skin on the patient’s face and neck. Here’s what you can generally expect if you’re considering this procedure:

Before Surgery

– Consultation : You’ll meet with a plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, the procedure options, your medical history, and any potential risks or complications.
– Physical Exam : The surgeon may examine your bone structure, shape of your face, fat distribution, skin quality, and the extent of facial wrinkles and folds.
– Photographs : For reference during surgery and for before-and-after assessments.
– Discussion of Expectations : Honest communication about your expectations will help the surgeon to set realistic goals.
– Preoperative Instructions : You might receive guidelines on eating, drinking, smoking, and which medications/vitamins to avoid before your surgery.

During Surgery

– Anesthesia : Facelifts are typically performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.
– Incisions : Depending on the technique, incisions are usually made in the hairline at the temples, around the ear, and ending at the lower scalp.
– Adjustments : Fat may be sculpted or redistributed, the underlying tissue is repositioned, and the deeper layers of the face and muscles are lifted.
– Closing Incisions : Skin is redraped over the uplifted contours, and excess skin is trimmed away. Incisions are sutured or glued closed.

After Surgery

– Recovery : You’ll need to rest with your head elevated and take prescribed medications for pain and swelling.
– Swelling and Bruising : It’s normal to have swelling, bruising, and discomfort for several days. Cold compresses can help minimize swelling.
– Follow-Up Appointments : You will have follow-up visits so the surgeon can check on your progress and remove stitches if needed.
– Downtime : Most people take 2-4 weeks off from work. Strenuous activity should be avoided for at least 2 weeks.
– Healing : Scar healing is a gradual process, and it may take several months for the swelling to fully dissipate and up to a year for the incision lines to mature.
– Results : Most patients can expect to see the final results after several months, as the contours of the face fully refine and settle.


Pre-facelift surgery procedures

Before undergoing facelift surgery in Iran, several important steps and procedures must be followed to ensure the best possible outcome and to minimize the risk of complications. These preoperative steps typically include:

Medical Evaluation

– Physical Exam : To assess your general health status and any risk factors.
– Medical History : Discussing any medical conditions, drug allergies, medical treatments, previous surgeries, and specifically any issues related to your face or neck.
– Lab Tests : Blood tests or other diagnostic tests may be required to check for any potential problems that could affect surgery or anesthesia.

Medication Review

– Current Medications : A review of all medications, supplements, and vitamins you are taking, as some may need to be adjusted or stopped before surgery.
– Medication Adjustments : Your surgeon might recommend that you avoid certain medications that can increase bleeding, such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements.

Lifestyle Adjustments

– Smoking : Smokers will be advised to stop smoking well in advance of surgery to promote better healing.
– Alcohol : You may be advised to limit alcohol consumption before surgery.
– Diet and Hydration : Proper nutrition and hydration are important for healing.

Anesthesia Precautions

– Fasting : You’ll be instructed to fast (not eat or drink) for a certain period before your surgery.
– Anesthesia Discussion : You will meet with an anesthesiologist to discuss the type of anesthesia to be used and any risks or concerns.

Surgery Preparation

– Facial Cleansing : You may be instructed on how to prepare your skin for surgery, which could include special washes or instructions on avoiding certain products.
– Home Preparation : Making arrangements for someone to drive you to and from the surgery and help you out for at least the first night following the surgery.

Mental Preparation

– Understanding the Procedure : Ensuring you have a clear understanding of what the surgery entails, the risks involved, and setting realistic expectations for the results.
– Emotional Readiness : Mental and emotional preparation, as surgery can be a significant event with a noticeable recovery period.

Legal Preparations

– Consent Forms : Reviewing and signing consent forms that outline the risks and benefits of the procedure.

Day Before Surgery

– Confirm Details : Double-checking the time you need to arrive at the hospital or clinic and what you need to bring.
– Packing : Preparing a bag with items you may need for your hospital stay or immediately after surgery, such as loose, comfortable clothing and personal items.

Morning of Surgery

– Hygiene : Showering and washing your hair with antibacterial soap, as instructed, to minimize the risk of infection.
– Clothing : Wearing loose, comfortable clothing that zips or buttons up the front so you don’t have to pull clothing over your head after surgery.

Always follow the specific instructions given by your healthcare provider or surgeon, as they may have particular protocols or requirements based on their practices and your health needs.

What happens during facelift surgery?

During facelift surgery in Iran, a series of steps are followed to tighten the skin, remove excess tissue, and reposition the underlying structures to achieve a more youthful appearance. While there are variations based on the specific type of facelift performed and the surgeon’s technique, here is a general outline of what happens during a standard facelift procedure:


– The procedure usually begins with the administration of anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort. This could be general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, depending on the case and surgeon’s preference.


– The surgeon makes incisions typically within the hairline, starting near the temples, continuing down and around the front of the ears, and ending behind the ears in the lower scalp. In some cases, a small incision under the chin may be made if the neck needs attention.
– The pattern of the incision depends on the surgical technique and the desired outcomes. For example, a traditional facelift will have a different incision pattern compared to a limited incision facelift or a neck lift.

Lifting and Repositioning

– The skin is carefully separated from the underlying tissue.
– Deeper layers of the face and the muscles, also known as the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), are lifted and repositioned or tightened to provide a more youthful contour to the face.
– Excess fat in the face and neck may be sculpted or redistributed, and fatty deposits under the chin and jaw can be removed to refine the area.

Redraping the Skin

– Once the underlying tissue has been repositioned and the muscles tightened, the skin is redraped over the new contours of the face.
– Any excess skin is trimmed away.

Closing the Incisions

– The incisions are closed with sutures or skin adhesives. The sutures could be dissolvable or may need to be removed after a few days.
– Care is taken to place the incisions along natural skin lines and folds to minimize visible scarring.

Recovery and Bandages

– After the surgery is completed, the face may be loosely wrapped in bandages to minimize swelling and bruising.
– Small tubes might be placed along the incision sites to drain any excess blood or fluid.


– The patient is taken to a recovery area where they are closely monitored as they wake up from anesthesia.
– Pain, swelling, and discomfort are normal postoperative sensations, and pain medication can be prescribed to manage these symptoms.


– Instructions for postoperative care, including how to care for the surgical site and drains, medications to take for healing and reducing the potential for infection, specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in overall health, and when to follow up with the surgeon, are provided.


Facelift surgery in Iran
Facelift surgery in Iran

How is the recovery process after a facelift?

The recovery process after a facelift is a critical time during which the body heals and adjusts to the changes made during surgery. Recovery experiences can vary from person to person, but here is a general outline of what to expect and some common steps to follow:

Immediate Postoperative Period

– After the Surgery : You will spend time in a recovery room where medical staff will monitor your return from anesthesia. You may have bandages around your face to minimize swelling and bruising, and you might have drainage tubes to collect excess fluid.
– Pain Management : Pain can be controlled with medications prescribed by your surgeon. It’s important to follow their instructions carefully.
– Home Care : You will need someone to drive you home and stay with you for at least the first night.

First Week

– Rest : It’s crucial to rest with your head elevated to reduce swelling.
– Follow-up : You’ll likely have a follow-up appointment to remove bandages and possibly drainage tubes. This is also when stitches may be removed if they are not dissolvable.
– Swelling and Bruising : Expect significant swelling and bruising, which will peak within the first week and then gradually subside.
– Activity : Limited activity is recommended. You should avoid bending, lifting, and any strenuous activities that could increase blood pressure and lead to bleeding.

Second Week

– Improvement : Swelling and bruising continue to improve. Many people feel comfortable enough to begin resuming some normal activities and may return to work if their job is not physically demanding.
– Appearance : You may begin to notice the changes in your facial appearance as the swelling subsides.
– Ongoing Care : Continue to keep the face protected from the sun and follow any skincare routines as directed by your surgeon.

Weeks 3-4

– Continued Healing : By this time, most of the bruising should have resolved, though some subtle swelling can persist.
– Increased Activity : You can typically engage in more physical activity, but you should still avoid vigorous exercise or heavy lifting.
– Visible Changes : The results of your facelift become more apparent, though healing is still ongoing.

One to Three Months

– Maturing Scars : Incision lines will continue to improve and should be less noticeable. They can take up to a year or more to fully mature.
– Numbness : Any numbness or tightness will usually start to diminish around this time.
– Final Shape : Your face is approaching its final shape, though minor changes can still occur over the next several months.

Six Months and Beyond

– Settling in : By six months, most patients see the final results of their facelift surgery in Iran .
– Continued Skincare : Protecting your skin from the sun, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and following a good skincare routine are important to maintain the results.

Tips for Recovery

– Follow Instructions : Carefully follow all postoperative instructions provided by your surgeon.
– Stay Cool : Avoid heat exposure, saunas, and steam rooms.
– Careful Diet : Eat healthy, well-balanced meals that promote healing.
– No Smoking : Smoking can significantly impair the healing process.
– Avoid Makeup : Until your surgeon says it’s okay, avoid applying makeup, especially near incision sites.

Monitoring Recovery

– Regular Checkups : Keep all scheduled visits with your surgeon for follow-up assessments and to monitor your progress.
– Report Concerns : If you have any unusual symptoms such as severe pain, signs of infection (increased redness, warmth, fever), or any concerns about your healing process, contact your surgeon immediately.

Your surgeon will give you a detailed, personalized recovery plan. This plan may include instructions on how to care for your incisions, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection, and when to follow up with your surgeon. The quality of your results depends in part on how well you follow this plan and allow your body the time it needs to heal.

Diet after facelift

After a facelift surgery in Iran , it’s important to follow a diet that promotes healing, minimizes complications, and supports your overall well-being. Here’s a guide on dietary considerations following facelift surgery in Iran:

Immediately After Surgery

– Hydration : Staying hydrated is crucial. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol, as it can cause dehydration and may interfere with the healing process.
– Easy-to-Chew Foods : Your face may feel stiff and sore, so opt for soft, easy-to-chew foods that don’t require extensive jaw movement. Examples include yogurt, smoothies, soups, and applesauce.

First Few Days

– Nutrient-Rich Foods : Focus on eating nutrient-dense foods that provide vitamins and minerals essential for healing. These include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
– Anti-inflammatory Foods : Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and flaxseeds, can help reduce inflammation.
– Vitamin C : Foods high in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers, can help with collagen production and skin healing.

First Weeks

– Regular Meals : Try to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day to maintain energy levels and promote healing.
– Fiber : A common side effect of anesthesia and pain medications is constipation. Eating foods high in fiber can help prevent this. Good sources include legumes, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.
– Low-Sodium Foods : High sodium intake can contribute to swelling. Keep your salt intake low by avoiding processed foods and not adding extra salt to your meals.

Ongoing Nutrition

– Balanced Diet : Continue with a balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein sources.
– Avoid Processed Foods : Processed and sugary foods can negatively affect your immune system and slow down the healing process.
– Limit Caffeine : Too much caffeine can lead to dehydration, so it’s best to keep your coffee and tea intake moderate.

Foods to Avoid

– Chewy or Hard Foods : Tough meats, raw vegetables, and hard bread can be difficult to chew and may add stress to the healing tissues.
– Alcohol : Alcohol can interfere with medications and prolong the swelling, so it’s best to avoid it, especially in the early stages of healing.
– Excessive Sugar and Salt : These can increase inflammation and impede the healing process.


– Consult Your Surgeon : Before taking any vitamins or supplements post-surgery, discuss them with your surgeon as some supplements can increase bleeding risk or interfere with medications.

General Tips

– Meal Prep : Prepare meals ahead of the surgery so that you don’t have to worry about cooking when you’re in the initial stages of recovery.
– Eating Position : Keep your head elevated even during meals to help reduce swelling.
– Avoid Straws : Using straws can put unnecessary stress on the facial muscles and incisions.

Always follow the specific dietary recommendations provided by your surgeon, as they may have additional guidance based on your individual health needs and the details of your surgery. Proper nutrition will support your body’s healing process and can contribute to a more successful recovery following a facelift surgery in Iran .

لیفت صورت عمقی

How do you sleep after a facelift?

After a facelift, sleep is a critical component of the recovery process, and how you sleep can significantly impact the results and comfort during the healing period. Here are some tips for sleeping after a facelift surgery in Iran :

Keep Your Head Elevated

– Elevation : To minimize swelling, it’s important to keep your head elevated above your heart. Use a wedge pillow or stack several pillows to achieve a 30-45 degree angle. This position helps reduce swelling and can also reduce the risk of accidentally rolling onto your face.

Sleep on Your Back

– Back Sleeping : Try to sleep on your back rather than on your side or stomach. This position prevents pressure on your face, which could disrupt the healing process and cause asymmetry. If you’re not used to back sleeping, you might consider surrounding yourself with pillows to prevent turning in your sleep.

Avoid Certain Movements

– Careful Turning : Be very careful and deliberate if you need to turn or adjust your position. Avoid any sudden or jarring movements that could strain your incisions or facial muscles.

Use Clean Linens

– Cleanliness : Keep your bedding clean to reduce the risk of infection. Change pillowcases frequently, especially since your face will be in contact with them for extended periods.

Pain Management

– Medications : If you’re in pain, it’s going to be harder to sleep. Take your prescribed pain medications according to your doctor’s instructions. However, be aware that some pain medications can disrupt sleep; discuss this with your surgeon if it becomes an issue.

Relaxation Techniques

– Relax : Use relaxation techniques before bed to improve sleep quality. This can include deep breathing exercises, meditation, or listening to gentle music. Avoid screen time right before bed, as the blue light can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.


– Napping : While it’s important to get a good night’s sleep, don’t be afraid to take naps during the day if you need to. Your body is healing, and extra rest can be beneficial.

Follow Post-Op Instructions

– Surgeon’s Advice : Always follow the sleeping instructions provided by your surgeon, as there may be specific details relevant to your procedure that you need to adhere to.

Prepare Your Sleeping Area

– Setup : Prepare your sleeping area before surgery so that everything you need is within reach. This includes medications, water, a telephone, and anything else that may be necessary during the night.

Stay on Schedule

– Consistent Sleep Schedule : Try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same times daily, even if you’re not working or have social engagements.

Remember, the way you sleep after a facelift is not just about comfort—it’s about ensuring the best possible healing environment for your face. If you have concerns about sleep after your facelift, discuss them with your surgeon, who can provide more detailed guidance based on your specific situation.

The best age to have a facelift

The best age to have a facelift is not strictly defined by chronological age but rather by the individual signs of aging a person is experiencing and their personal cosmetic goals. Factors such as skin elasticity, bone structure, and overall health are more important than age alone. However, most people considering facelifts begin to see the desired changes in their 40s, 50s, or 60s.

Here are some considerations to help determine the best time for a facelift surgery in Iran :

Skin Elasticity

– Younger skin tends to have better elasticity. A facelift can be more effective if the skin still has a fair amount of natural suppleness and the ability to heal smoothly.

Signs of Aging

– Visible signs of aging, such as deep wrinkles, sagging skin, jowls, or a double chin, are typically what prompt individuals to consider a facelift. If these are moderate to severe, a facelift surgery in Iran may be appropriate.

Health Status

– Good candidates for a facelift should be in good overall health, non-smokers (or willing to quit), and without medical conditions that impair healing.

Psychological Readiness

– It’s important to have realistic expectations and to be psychologically prepared for the change in appearance and the recovery process.

Lifestyle Factors

– Factors such as sun exposure, stress, weight fluctuations, and smoking can accelerate the aging process. Individuals who have led a lifestyle that has contributed to premature aging might consider a facelift earlier.

Personal Timing

– Some individuals may choose to have a facelift before major life events, such as a child’s wedding or a career change. Others may opt to wait until they can take adequate time off for recovery.

Longevity of Results

– Facelift surgery in Iran results are not permanent but are long-lasting. Having a facelift at a younger age may mean that the results will hold up better over time, as opposed to waiting until the signs of aging are more advanced.

Non-Surgical Alternatives

– Those who are younger or who have less pronounced signs of aging might consider non-surgical treatments first, such as fillers, Botox, or laser therapies.

Emotional and Financial Preparedness

– A facelift is a significant emotional and financial investment. It’s crucial to be prepared for the emotional journey of altering your appearance and to have the financial means to cover the cost of the surgery and associated recovery.

The “best” age ultimately depends on when an individual feels the need for rejuvenation and meets the criteria for being a good surgical candidate. It’s highly advisable to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can assess your individual case and provide guidance on whether a facelift is right for you at your current age and stage of aging.

How long can you exercise after a facelift?

Returning to exercise after a facelift surgery in Iran is an important consideration, as being active is beneficial for your overall health but can impact your recovery if done too soon. The general guideline is to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks following surgery to ensure proper healing and to prevent complications such as increased swelling, bleeding, or damage to the surgical site.

Here’s a typical timeline for resuming exercise after a facelift surgery in Iran , but always follow the specific recommendations of your surgeon:

Immediate Post-Op (First Week)

– Rest : Focus on resting and allow your body to begin the healing process.
– Avoid All Exercise : Do not engage in any form of exercise. Even bending, lifting, or straining can increase blood pressure and risk complications.

1-2 Weeks Post-Op

– Light Activity : You can usually start light walking to promote circulation, which can aid in the healing process. Still, avoid anything that significantly raises your heart rate or blood pressure.

2-4 Weeks Post-Op

– Gradual Increase : Depending on your surgeon’s advice, you may be able to gradually increase your activity level. This might include longer walks and light cardio that does not involve running, jumping, or heavy lifting.

4-6 Weeks Post-Op

– Moderate Exercise : If your surgeon agrees, you may be able to resume moderate exercise. This can include brisk walking, cycling on a stationary bike, or other low-impact aerobic activities. Continue to avoid exercises that strain the face or neck.

6-8 Weeks Post-Op

– Most Activities : Generally, by this time, you can slowly reintroduce more strenuous activities, such as jogging, non-contact sports, and light weightlifting, as long as there’s no discomfort and your surgeon has cleared you for such exercises.

8+ Weeks Post-Op

– Full Activity : Most patients can return to their full exercise routines at this point, but this will depend on your personal healing process and your surgeon’s guidance.

Important Considerations

– Surgeon’s Instructions : Always follow your surgeon’s specific instructions regarding exercise post-operatively, as they may adjust this timeline based on your individual healing process.
– Listen to Your Body : Pay close attention to how your body feels as you resume activity. If you experience pain, tightness, or discomfort, stop immediately and consult your surgeon.
– Swelling and Healing : Be aware that increased activity can lead to increased swelling, even after several weeks post-op. Elevate your head as necessary and use ice packs if recommended by your surgeon.
– Sun Protection : When exercising outdoors, protect your skin, especially the incision areas, from the sun. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to prevent hyperpigmentation and scarring.

Remember, the above timeline is just a general guide. The details of when to resume exercise can vary greatly from person to person depending on factors such as the extent of the facelift, the individual’s overall health, and how well the person is healing. Always consult with your plastic surgeon before resuming any exercise routine after a facelift.

The difference between a thread facelift and a deep facelift surgery in Iran

A thread facelift and a traditional deep plane facelift are quite different in terms of the techniques used, the invasiveness of the procedure, the recovery time, and the longevity of the results. Here’s a breakdown of the differences:

Thread Facelift

– Minimally Invasive : A thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure. It involves inserting medical-grade thread material into the face and then “pulling” the skin up by tightening the thread.

– Anesthesia : Usually performed under local anesthesia, possibly with some sedation.

– Recovery Time : Recovery time is relatively short, typically a few days to a week, with some immediate return to daily activities.

– Results : The results are more subtle and are best suited for patients with mild to moderate sagging of the face. The lift is achieved by the threads, which also stimulate collagen production.

– Longevity : The results of a thread lift are not permanent and typically last from 1 to 3 years, depending on the type of threads used and the patient’s skin quality.

– Risks and Complications : Potential risks include infection, irritation, minor bruising, and in some cases, visibility or palpability of the threads under the skin. Threads may also migrate or break, leading to asymmetry or early loss of the lift effect.

Deep Plane Facelift

– Invasive : A deep plane facelift surgery in Iran is more invasive. It involves making incisions typically along the hairline and around the ears. The surgeon repositions the deeper layers of the face, including the musculature and the fat, and tightens the facial and neck skin.

– Anesthesia : This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia or deep sedation.

– Recovery Time : The recovery time is longer, often several weeks, with a more significant amount of swelling and bruising than a thread lift.

– Results : A deep plane facelift provides more dramatic, comprehensive, and natural-looking results compared to a thread lift. It addresses severe sagging and deep wrinkles effectively.

– Longevity : The results of a deep plane facelift can last for many years, often around 10 years or more, depending on the individual’s skin quality and aging process.

– Risks and Complications : As with any major surgery, risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, nerve injury, and the potential for general anesthesia complications. Recovery requires diligent care and time away from work and social activities.


The choice between a thread lift and a deep plane facelift will depend on several factors, including the patient’s age, skin condition, desired outcome, tolerance for downtime, and willingness to undergo a more invasive procedure. A thread lift may be suitable for those looking for a less invasive option with shorter recovery time. In contrast, a deep plane facelift surgery in Iran is often better for those seeking more dramatic and long-lasting rejuvenation.

It is always recommended to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can evaluate your specific needs and goals to recommend the best procedure for you.

Facelift surgery is not suitable for whom

Facelift surgery in Iran is not suitable for everyone. Certain factors may make an individual a less ideal candidate for this procedure. Here are some considerations that might indicate a facelift surgery in Iran is not suitable:

Medical Conditions

– Poor Health : Individuals with significant medical problems or those who are not in good general health may not be suitable candidates due to increased risks of surgery and anesthesia.
– Impaired Healing : Conditions that impair healing, such as diabetes that is not well-controlled, connective tissue diseases, or a history of radiation to the face, may preclude surgery.
– Blood Disorders : Blood clotting disorders or a history of excessive bleeding can increase the risk of complications during and after surgery.

Lifestyle Factors

– Smoking : Smokers are at higher risk for poor wound healing and complications due to the constriction of blood vessels caused by nicotine. Surgeons often require patients to quit smoking well in advance of the procedure and throughout the recovery period.
– Substance Abuse : Drug or alcohol abuse can impair healing and increase the risk of surgery.

Skin Condition

– Poor Skin Elasticity : Individuals with significantly damaged skin (often due to excessive sun exposure or smoking) or very thin skin may not achieve the desired results, as facelift surgery in Iran relies on good skin elasticity for optimal outcomes.
– Severe Skin Diseases : Active skin infections or certain skin diseases affecting the face may preclude surgery.

Psychological Readiness

– Unrealistic Expectations : A facelift can rejuvenate the face but will not completely alter one’s appearance or stop the aging process. Those with unrealistic expectations may not be satisfied with the results.
– Psychological Instability : Mental health issues that impair judgment or make it difficult to understand the nature and limitations of the surgery may make it unsuitable for the individual.

Age Factors

– Very Young Age : Facelifts are typically not performed on very young individuals because the signs of aging are not yet present, and other, less invasive treatments are more appropriate.

Weight Issues

– Significant Weight Fluctuations : Those who experience large swings in weight may find that their results are not long-lasting, as weight loss after a facelift can result in additional sagging skin.

Before considering a facelift surgery in Iran , it’s essential for an individual to have a thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can evaluate their health status, discuss their expectations, and determine the most appropriate course of action. The surgeon will assess all of these factors to ensure that the patient is a good candidate for the surgery and that the procedure can be performed safely with a reasonable expectation of positive results.

Before – After – facelift

Before – After – facelift

Before – After – facelift

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