What to expect from best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran – BBL 2024

The best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran

The best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran

A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the size and shape of the buttocks without implants. Instead, it involves the transfer of fat from other areas of the body to the buttocks. Here’s what you can generally expect when consulting with the best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran:

Initial Consultation

– Assessment: The best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran will evaluate your health, determine the areas of fat accumulation suitable for liposuction, and assess the buttocks to plan the augmentation.
– Discussion: Expect to discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations. The surgeon should explain what can realistically be achieved.
– Medical History: You’ll be asked about your medical history, including past surgeries, current medications, and any health conditions.
– Photographs: For medical records and to assist in planning the surgery, photographs of the target areas may be taken.

Preoperative Instructions

– Health Evaluation: The best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran may request a medical evaluation or lab testing.
– Medications: You may be asked to adjust your current medications or take certain medications in preparation for surgery.
– Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking can significantly impair healing, so you will be advised to stop smoking well in advance of the surgery. Alcohol consumption may also need to be curtailed.
– Avoid Certain Medications: Aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements may increase bleeding, so they should be avoided.

The Procedure

A Brazilian Butt Lift generally involves the following steps:
– Anesthesia: The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation for comfort.
– Liposuction: Fat is harvested from other parts of the body—commonly the abdomen, hips, lower back, or thighs—using liposuction.
– Purification: The harvested fat is then purified and prepared for injection into the buttocks.
– Fat Injection: The fat is strategically injected into specific areas of the buttocks to create a more rounded, full appearance.
– Incisions: Incisions for both liposuction and fat grafting are usually small and are placed in inconspicuous locations to minimize visible scarring.

Postoperative Expectations

– Recovery: You will be given postoperative instructions and may be prescribed medications for pain and antibiotics to prevent infection.
– Compression Garment: You’ll need to wear a compression garment to reduce swelling in the areas where liposuction was performed.
– Activity Restrictions: You will be advised to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks or lying on your back for about two weeks to ensure optimal fat graft survival.
– Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor your healing process and the outcomes of the surgery.


– Immediate: The initial shape will be noticeable immediately, but there will be swelling.
– Final Results: It can take several months for the swelling to subside and the transferred fat to stabilize. The final results should be visible within six months.
– Longevity: A percentage of the transferred fat may not survive. However, the remaining fat will behave like any other fatty tissue in the body. The results can be long-lasting with a stable weight and healthy lifestyle.

Risks and Safety

– Complications: Discuss potential risks, like fat embolism, asymmetry, and complications related to liposuction or anesthesia.
– Board Certification: Ensure the surgeon is certified by a reputable board, such as the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
– Experience: Choose the best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran with extensive experience in performing BBLs, as technique and skill greatly contribute to the safety and success of the procedure.


– Honesty: Be honest with your expectations and concerns; this helps the surgeon tailor the procedure to your needs.
– Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions about the surgeon’s experience, the surgical plan, recovery, and any other concerns you may have.

Choosing the right surgeon for a Brazilian Butt Lift is crucial. You should feel comfortable with their level of expertise, their understanding of your goals, and the clarity of the information they provide regarding the procedure and its risks.

Brazilian Butt Lift procedure step by step

A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks using the patient’s own fat. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the typical BBL procedure:

1. Consultation and Pre-Operative Assessment

– Initial Consultation: You will discuss your aesthetic goals, and the surgeon will assess your health and suitability for the procedure.
– Pre-Operative Instructions: You will receive guidelines on preparing for surgery, which may include lifestyle changes, medication adjustments, and pre-surgery testing.

2. Anesthesia

– On the day of the procedure, you will be administered anesthesia. This is typically general anesthesia, although local anesthesia with IV sedation may sometimes be used.

3. Liposuction

– Incision: Small incisions are made in the predetermined areas from where fat will be harvested (e.g., abdomen, hips, thighs, or lower back).
– Fat Removal: A cannula (a thin tube) is inserted through the incisions to dislodge and suction out fat using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula.

4. Fat Processing

– Purification: The harvested fat is then processed and purified. This may involve decanting, centrifugation, and rinsing of the fat with a sterile solution.
– Preparation: Once purified, the fat is transferred into small syringes that will be used for fat injection into the buttocks.

5. Fat Injection

– Incision: Small incisions are made in the buttocks for fat transfer.
– Fat Grafting: The processed fat is carefully injected into specific areas of the buttocks at various depths to achieve the desired shape and volume. The surgeon uses a layered technique to ensure a smooth, natural-looking result.

6. Closing Incisions

– The incisions from both liposuction and fat transfer are usually closed with sutures. In some cases, drains may be placed to collect excess fluid and reduce swelling.

7. Post-Operative Care and Recovery

– Immediate Care: You will be taken to a recovery area to be closely monitored as you emerge from anesthesia.
– Instructions: You’ll receive detailed instructions for post-operative care, including how to sit or lie down to avoid putting pressure on the fat grafts.
– Compression Garment: You will need to wear a compression garment on the areas treated with liposuction to minimize swelling and support the healing tissues.
– Pain Management: Pain medication will be prescribed to manage discomfort.
– Antibiotics: To prevent infection, antibiotics may also be prescribed.

8. Follow-Up

– You will have follow-up appointments to monitor your healing process and the outcome of the surgery. This is also when any non-dissolvable sutures will be removed.

9. Recovery Period

– Activity: You must avoid direct sitting on your buttocks for about two weeks to ensure the best survival rate of the fat grafts. Special pillows or techniques may be used to avoid pressure on the area.
– Swelling and Bruising: Expect swelling and bruising for several weeks. It may take a few months for the swelling to fully subside and for the final results to be apparent.
– Results: The results of a BBL are immediately visible, but the final shape and volume will become evident once the swelling goes down and the fat stabilizes.

10. Long-Term Care and Results

– Lifestyle: Maintaining a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle is important to preserve the results of the surgery.
– Follow-Up Visits: Additional visits may be scheduled to ensure that you are healing as expected.

It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that not all of the injected fat will survive. There can be a significant amount of fat reabsorption into the body, and the final results may vary. Choosing a reputable, board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in BBL procedures is crucial to achieving the best outcomes and minimizing risks.

The best Brazilian but lift surgeon in Iran
The best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran

During bbl surgery

During a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery, the procedure is typically broken down into several key steps. It’s important to note that while the steps are fairly standard, individual surgeon techniques and patient needs can vary. Here’s what generally happens during BBL surgery:

1. Anesthesia

– Administration: The patient is administered anesthesia for comfort during the procedure. This is often general anesthesia, but local anesthesia with sedation may also be used.

2. Liposuction

– Incisions: Small incisions are made in the areas where fat is to be removed (commonly the abdomen, hips, lower back, or thighs).
– Fat Harvesting: A cannula (a long, thin tube) is inserted through the incisions to dislodge and remove fat using a surgical vacuum or syringe.

3. Fat Processing

– Purification: The extracted fat is processed to separate the viable fat cells from the other fluids and tissues. This can be done through centrifugation or filtration.
– Preparation: The viable fat is then transferred to small syringes for the injection process.

4. Fat Injection

– Re-Incision: Small incisions are made in the buttocks for the fat transfer process.
– Micro Fat Grafting: The best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran injects the fat into targeted areas of the buttocks at various depths and in multiple layers to create a natural and aesthetically pleasing shape.

5. Incision Closure

– Suturing: The incisions are typically closed with sutures that may dissolve on their own or may need to be removed later.
– Drains: In some cases, small drains might be placed in the incision sites to help remove excess fluid and reduce swelling.

6. Immediate Post-Operative Care

– Observation: After the surgery, the patient is taken to a recovery area where they are closely monitored as they wake up from anesthesia.
– Post-Op Instructions: The patient will be given instructions on post-operative care, including how to manage pain, care for the incision sites, and when to follow up with the best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran.

7. Recovery Room

– Initial Recovery: The patient will remain in the recovery room until they are stable, awake, and able to breathe and drink fluids without significant difficulty.
– Assessment: Vital signs are regularly checked, and the patient’s response to the surgery and anesthesia is assessed.

During the BBL surgery, the patient is under the care of a surgical team which includes the plastic surgeon, an anesthesiologist, and operating room nurses. The procedure typically takes several hours to complete, depending on the extent of liposuction and the volume of fat being transferred.

Patients will not be aware of the procedure as it happens due to the effects of anesthesia. After the surgery, the recovery process begins, and it’s crucial for patients to follow all aftercare instructions to ensure the best possible outcome and reduce the risk of complications.

The best Brazilian but lift surgeon in Iran
The best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran

Recovery after bbl surgery

Recovery after a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery is a critical phase where the patient must follow specific guidelines to ensure the best results and minimize the risk of complications. Recovery can vary between individuals, but here is a general timeline and what to expect:

Immediate Postoperative Period (First 24-72 Hours)

– Rest: You will need to rest and limit your activities. Assistance at home is often required as mobility is limited.
– Pain Management: Pain and discomfort are managed with prescribed medications.
– Hydration and Nutrition: It’s important to stay hydrated and eat nutritious foods that aid in healing.
– Positioning: Avoid sitting directly on your buttocks or lying on your back. Special techniques and devices, such as a BBL pillow or donut cushion, can help when you need to sit.
– Ambulation: Short, gentle walks are encouraged to promote circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.

First Week

– Swelling and Bruising: These will be at their peak and will gradually begin to subside.
– Garments: You must wear a compression garment as instructed to reduce swelling and support the new contours.
– Drains: If drains were placed, they are usually removed within the first week.
– Follow-up: Your first postoperative visit will likely occur to check on your healing and remove any non-dissolvable sutures.

Weeks 2-6

– Gradual Increase in Activity: You can gradually increase your daily activities but should continue to avoid strenuous exercise and direct pressure on the buttocks.
– Sitting: After 2-3 weeks, you may be allowed to sit using a cushion that places pressure on the thighs rather than the buttocks.
– Continued Swelling: Swelling will continue to diminish, and you’ll start to see more of the surgery’s results.
– Compression Garment: Continue wearing the garment as directed, which is often for up to 6 weeks post-surgery.

Weeks 6-8

– Normal Activities: Most patients can return to most of their normal activities by this time.
– Exercise: You may be able to resume more vigorous exercise, but always follow your surgeon’s advice.

Months 3-6

– Final Results: Swelling should mostly be resolved, and the final results of the BBL are becoming apparent.
– Fat Graft Survival: The fat that remains after the first 3 months will likely stay, as this is the fat that has successfully established a blood supply.

Long-Term Recovery

– Maintaining Results: Results can be long-lasting with a stable weight. Significant weight fluctuations can affect the results.
– Follow-Up Visits: Additional visits may be scheduled to ensure that you are healing as expected and to address any concerns.

Important Considerations

– Scarring: Incisions will leave scars, but they typically fade over time and are placed in inconspicuous locations.
– Sensation: Temporary numbness or changes in skin sensation in the treated areas are normal and usually resolve over time.
– Emotional Changes: Mood swings, mild depression, or anxiety are common during recovery due to the physical stress of surgery and the effects of anesthesia.


– Follow all postoperative instructions provided by best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran.
– Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments.
– Report any signs of infection, unusual pain, or sudden swelling to best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Iran.

Recovery from BBL surgery is a process that requires patience and careful attention to your body’s signals and your surgeon’s instructions. It’s essential to give yourself time to heal and to avoid rushing the recovery process, as doing so can impact the results of your surgery and your overall health.

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