Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran

Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran

Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran

Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran, often referred to as breast implant revision surgery, is a procedure performed to replace old breast implants with new ones. This surgery can be done for various reasons, including cosmetic preferences, complications from previous surgeries, or the natural aging of implants. Here’s an overview of what the procedure involves, why it might be necessary, and what to expect during recovery:

Reasons for Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran

1. Cosmetic Changes: Preferences might change regarding the size, shape, or type of the implants.

2. Implant Complications: Issues such as rupture, deflation, or capsular contracture (scar tissue forming around the implant causing it to feel firm or distorted) can necessitate replacement.

3. Implant Lifespan: Breast implants do not last forever; they typically have a lifespan of 10-20 years.

4. Pain or Discomfort: Some individuals might experience discomfort that can only be alleviated by replacing or removing the implants.

5. Aesthetic Concerns: Changes in body weight or shape, or the natural aging process, can affect how implants look over time.

Surgical Procedure

1. Consultation and Planning: The surgeon will discuss options, including the type and size of the new implants.

2. Anesthesia: The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia.

3. Incision: The surgeon may use the same incision sites from the previous surgery to minimize additional scarring.

4. Implant Exchange: Old implants are removed, and any necessary adjustments to the implant pocket are made before the new implants are inserted.

5. Closure: The incisions are sutured and bandaged.

Recovery Process after Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran

1. Initial Recovery: The first few days after surgery will require rest and limited movement to facilitate healing.

2. Pain Management: Pain and discomfort are managed with prescribed medications.

3. Follow-Up Visits: These are necessary to ensure proper healing and to monitor the new implants.

4. Activity Restrictions: Heavy lifting and vigorous activities should be avoided for several weeks.

5. Support Garments: Wearing a support bra is crucial to support the breasts and minimize swelling during the healing process.

Risks and Considerations

– Surgical Risks: As with any surgery, there are risks of bleeding, infection, and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

– Capsular Contracture: There’s a possibility of scar tissue forming again around the new implants.

– Implant Issues: New implants can also experience problems like rupture or displacement over time.

– Aesthetic Outcomes: There might be dissatisfaction with the cosmetic results, necessitating further revisions.

Long-Term Care after Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran

– Regular Monitoring: Regular check-ups with mammograms or MRIs as recommended by the surgeon are important to monitor the condition of the implants.
– Awareness of Changes: Any changes in breast appearance, feel, or general discomfort should be reported to a healthcare provider.

Choosing to undergo Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran involves careful consideration of the benefits and risks. It’s important to discuss all concerns and expectations with a qualified plastic surgeon who can provide guidance tailored to individual needs and health conditions.

Is it necessary to remove breast implants after 10 years?

The necessity to remove or replace breast implants after 10 years is not a strict rule but rather a general guideline based on the average lifespan of many types of breast implants. Whether or not implants need to be removed or replaced depends on several factors, including the type of implant, individual circumstances, and any complications that might arise. Here’s a breakdown of considerations:

Implant Lifespan

Breast implants, whether silicone or saline, do not have an infinite lifespan. They are medical devices that can degrade or change over time. The general guideline suggests that implants might start to have higher risks of complications after about 10 years, but this isn’t the same for everyone.

Reasons for Replacement

1. Implant Integrity: Over time, implants can rupture or deflate, especially saline implants. Silicone implants can also experience a “silent rupture,” which may go unnoticed without imaging tests.

2. Cosmetic Reasons: Changes in personal preference, body shape, or the natural aging process might prompt a desire for different size, shape, or type of implant.

3. Physical Symptoms: Issues like pain, discomfort, or changes in the breast’s appearance might necessitate revision surgery.

4. Complications: Capsular contracture (hardening of the tissue around the implant), shifting of the implant, or infection are complications that might require intervention.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Regular check-ups and monitoring are critical. The FDA recommends periodic MRI screenings for those with silicone gel-filled breast implants to detect silent ruptures, starting three years after the initial surgery and every two years thereafter.


– Regular Assessments: Regular consultations with a healthcare provider can help determine the health and status of implants.
– Personal Decision: Some individuals may never experience issues with their implants and might not need to replace them just because 10 years have passed. However, being informed and vigilant about potential changes and complications is crucial.
– Surgeon’s Advice: A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is essential to assess the condition of the implants and to get personalized advice based on the latest medical standards and the individual’s specific circumstances.

In conclusion, while it’s not absolutely necessary to automatically replace breast implants after 10 years, it is important to maintain regular check-ups to ensure the integrity and appropriateness of the implants for continued use. Decisions should be based on individual health, cosmetic desires, and any symptoms of complications, guided by professional medical advice.

The process of performing Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran

Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran, also known as breast implant revision surgery, involves several key steps, from the initial consultation through to the post-operative care. The procedure is performed to replace old or problematic breast implants with new ones. Here’s a detailed explanation of the process:

1. Pre-Operative Consultation

– Assessment: The surgeon evaluates the current breast implants, discusses the patient’s medical history, and understands the reasons for the revision, which could include cosmetic concerns, discomfort, or implant complications.

– Goal Setting: The patient and surgeon discuss desired outcomes, including size, shape, and type of the new implants.

– Imaging: Pre-operative imaging might be performed to assess the condition of the existing implants and surrounding breast tissue.

– Planning: The surgeon decides on the surgical approach, including the choice of incisions and techniques based on the patient’s anatomy and goals.

2. Preparation for Surgery

– Medical Clearance: Patients may undergo blood tests and other assessments to ensure they are fit for surgery.

– Fasting: The patient will be instructed to fast for a certain period before the surgery.

– Anesthesia: Decisions about anesthesia are confirmed, which typically involves general anesthesia.

3. Surgical Procedure

– Incision: The surgeon may use the same incision lines from the previous surgery to minimize additional scarring. Common incision sites include under the breast fold (inframammary), around the nipple (periareolar), or under the arm (transaxillary).

– Removal of Old Implants: The old implants are carefully removed. If there is scar tissue (capsular contracture), the surgeon might also remove some or all of the scar tissue capsule.

– Pocket Modification: The surgeon may modify the pocket that holds the implant, either making it larger, smaller, or changing its position to better accommodate the new implant and achieve a more desirable aesthetic result.

– Insertion of New Implants: New implants are then placed into the pockets. These may be the same size or different, depending on the goals discussed.

– Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures, and drains may be placed to remove excess fluid. Bandages and a compression garment or surgical bra are applied to support the new implants and reduce swelling.

4. Post-Operative Care

– Immediate Care: Post-surgery, patients are monitored in a recovery area until they are stable. Pain management and anti-nausea medications are provided as needed.
– Recovery Instructions: Patients receive instructions for home care, including how to care for incisions, manage pain, and recognize potential signs of complications.
– Follow-Up Visits: Scheduled visits allow the surgeon to monitor the healing process and the condition of the implants.
– Activity Restrictions: Patients are generally advised to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for several weeks.
– Support Garments: Wearing a surgical bra is often recommended to support the new implants and minimize swelling.

5. Long-Term Follow-Up

– Routine Checks: Regular check-ups are important to assess the health and positioning of the implants.
– Monitoring for Complications: Patients should be vigilant for any signs of complications, such as changes in breast shape, size, or pain, and report these to their surgeon promptly.

Each step of this process is designed to maximize patient safety, achieve the desired aesthetic results, and minimize the risk of complications. Patients considering Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran should thoroughly discuss all aspects of the surgery with their plastic surgeon to ensure clear understanding and realistic expectations.

What to expect from Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran

Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran, or breast implant revision surgery, involves replacing old or problematic breast implants with new ones. This surgery can address a variety of issues, including dissatisfaction with size or shape, implant malfunction, or complications such as capsular contracture. Here’s what you can expect before, during, and after the procedure:

Before Surgery

– Consultation: You’ll discuss your medical history, reasons for the revision, and desired outcomes with your surgeon. This is the time to ask questions and express any concerns.

– Physical Examination: Your surgeon will examine your breasts to assess the size, shape, condition of your current implants, and skin quality.

– Preoperative Instructions: You may receive specific instructions regarding medications, fasting before surgery, and other preparatory steps.

– Imaging Tests: These may be required to assess the condition of the existing implants and surrounding tissue.

During Surgery

– Anesthesia: The surgery usually requires general anesthesia, so you will be asleep during the procedure.

– Incision: The surgeon often uses the same incision sites as your original implant surgery to minimize additional scarring. Common incision sites include under the breast (inframammary), around the nipple (periareolar), or under the arm (transaxillary).

– Implant Removal: The old implants are carefully removed. If there’s significant scar tissue, the surgeon may perform a capsulectomy, removing the scar tissue capsule.

– Implant Replacement: New implants are inserted. Adjustments may be made to the implant pocket to accommodate the new implants better and achieve the desired aesthetic.

– Closure: Incisions are closed with sutures, and drains may be placed temporarily to remove excess fluids.

After Surgery

– Recovery: Initial recovery may involve several days of rest. You might experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Pain can be managed with prescribed medications.

– Support Garments: You’ll likely need to wear a compression garment or surgical bra to support the new implants and reduce swelling.

– Activity Restrictions: Expect to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for several weeks. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines based on your surgery.

– Follow-Up Appointments: These are essential to monitor your healing and the condition of the new implants.

– Visible Results: Swelling may initially obscure the final result. It can take several weeks or even months for your new breast contour to settle.

Potential Risks and Complications

– Surgical Risks: As with any surgery, there are risks of bleeding, infection, and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

– Capsular Contracture: The formation of tight scar tissue around the implant can occur, possibly requiring further surgery.

– Implant Failure: Implants can rupture or leak, necessitating another replacement.

– Cosmetic Concerns: There’s a possibility of dissatisfaction with the results, asymmetry, or changes in nipple sensation.

Long-Term Considerations

– Monitoring: Regular check-ups and possibly imaging tests (like MRI) are recommended to monitor the condition of silicone implants.

– Maintenance: Future surgeries might be needed due to aging, weight changes, hormonal shifts, or other factors affecting breast appearance.

Having realistic expectations and following your surgeon’s instructions carefully will help you achieve the best outcome and manage the recovery process effectively. It’s important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in breast revision surgeries to maximize safety and aesthetic results.

Recovery process after Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran

Recovery after breast prosthesis replacement surgery varies depending on individual factors like the type of surgery performed, the patient’s general health, and the body’s response to the surgery. However, a general guideline can be outlined to help patients know what to expect during the recovery period. Here are the typical stages and considerations:

Immediate Post-Operative Period

– Hours After Surgery: You will spend time in a recovery room where medical staff monitors your vital signs as the anesthesia wears off. Pain management begins immediately.

– Discharge: Most breast prosthesis replacement surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you can go home the same day, provided there are no complications.

First Few Days

– Pain and Discomfort: You will likely experience pain, swelling, and bruising. Pain can be managed with prescription medications or over-the-counter pain relievers as advised by your surgeon.

– Support Garments: You will wear a surgical bra or compression garment to reduce swelling and support the new breast shape.

– Activity Restrictions: Rest is crucial. You should avoid any strenuous activities, heavy lifting, or extensive movements that could strain your chest.

– Sleeping Position: It’s advisable to sleep on your back with your upper body slightly elevated to reduce swelling.

First Few Weeks

– Follow-Up Appointments: You will have appointments to remove any drains and check your healing progress. Your surgeon will advise when stitches can be removed, if they’re not dissolvable.

– Gradual Return to Normal Activities: You can slowly start to resume light activities as recommended by your surgeon. However, continued avoidance of heavy lifting and strenuous exercise is important.

– Managing Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising should gradually decrease, but it can take several weeks for these to fully resolve.

One to Three Months

– Increased Activity: By this time, you can typically return to most of your normal activities, including more vigorous exercise, as long as your surgeon approves.

– Settling of Implants: The implants will begin to settle into their final position, and your breast shape will start to stabilize.

– Decreased Sensitivity: Any numbness or changes in breast sensation should begin to improve, though it may take up to a year for sensation to normalize fully.

Long-Term Care

– Annual Exams: Regular check-ups with your surgeon are recommended to monitor the condition of your implants.

– Monitoring for Complications: Watch for any signs of complications such as unusual swelling, pain, or changes in breast shape, as these could indicate an issue like implant rupture or capsular contracture.

– Maintaining Results: Maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle to support the long-term results of your surgery.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery

– Follow Surgeon’s Instructions: Adhere closely to all post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon to minimize the risk of complications.

– Stay Hydrated and Eat Healthily: Good nutrition and hydration support healing.

– Wear Your Support Garment: Keep wearing your surgical bra or compression garment as directed to reduce swelling and support healing.

– Avoid Smoking: Smoking can significantly impair healing and increase the risk of complications.

Every patient’s recovery process can be slightly different. If you experience any unexpected symptoms or severe pain, it’s important to contact your healthcare provider immediately. Regular communication and follow-ups with your surgeon are crucial to ensure a safe and effective recovery.

Care after Breast prosthesis replacement surgery in Iran

Post-operative care after breast prosthesis replacement surgery is crucial for ensuring a smooth recovery and optimizing long-term outcomes. Here are key areas of focus and tips to help manage the recovery period effectively:

1. Pain Management

– Medications: Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding pain relief medications. These might include prescription painkillers, over-the-counter pain relievers, or anti-inflammatory drugs.

– Cold Compresses: Use ice packs or cold compresses to help reduce swelling and alleviate pain, but be sure to wrap them in a cloth to avoid direct contact with the skin.

2. Incision Care

– Keep Incisions Clean and Dry: Follow your surgeon’s guidelines on how to care for your incisions. This usually means keeping the area clean and dry, especially after showering.

– Monitor for Signs of Infection: Watch for increased redness, swelling, heat, or discharge from the incision sites. Fever or unusual pain can also be signs of infection.

3. Activity Restrictions

– Rest: Allow your body to rest and heal, especially in the first few days after surgery.

– Avoid Strenuous Activities: Refrain from heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, and other strenuous activities as advised by your surgeon—typically for at least 4-6 weeks.

– Gradual Increase in Activities: Slowly increase your daily activities based on how you feel and following your surgeon’s advice.

4. Wearing Compression Garments

– Supportive Bra: Wear a surgical bra or a compression garment as recommended by your surgeon. These garments support the breasts, help reduce swelling, and maintain the position of the breast implants.

– Continuous Wear: It’s usually advised to wear the support garment continuously for a set period, often several weeks, except when showering.

5. Follow-Up Appointments

– Routine Checks: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments so your surgeon can monitor your progress and catch any potential complications early.

– Immediate Concerns: Contact your surgeon if you experience any unexpected symptoms or concerns in between scheduled visits.

6. Diet and Hydration

– Nutritious Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support healing. Include plenty of protein, which is essential for tissue repair.

– Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, which is crucial for recovery.

7. Sleeping and Positioning

– Elevation: Sleep with your head and shoulders elevated to help reduce swelling.
– Avoid Pressure on Breasts: Try to sleep on your back rather than on your stomach or side to avoid putting pressure on your breasts.

8. Monitoring Breast Health

– Regular Self-Exams: Once healed, perform regular breast self-exams to familiarize yourself with the new feel of your breasts and to monitor for any changes.

– Mammograms: Discuss with your surgeon when to resume routine mammograms or other imaging studies, as special techniques may be necessary.

9. Emotional Health

– Support System: Lean on friends, family, or support groups for emotional support.

– Patience with Results: Understand that it can take several months for swelling to subside and the final results to stabilize. Be patient with the process and your body.

By adhering to these post-operative care guidelines, you can help ensure a safer recovery, manage discomfort, and achieve the best possible outcomes after your breast prosthesis replacement surgery. Always communicate openly with your healthcare provider about any concerns or issues that arise during your recovery.

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