Buccal fat removal in Iran – Recovery & Cost 2024

Buccal fat removal in Iran

Buccal fat removal in Iran

Buccal fat removal in Iran , also known as a buccal lipectomy or cheek reduction surgery, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at reducing the volume of the buccal fat pads in the cheeks to create a more contoured facial appearance. This procedure is sought by individuals who wish to achieve a more defined facial structure or who feel that their cheeks give a “chubby” appearance.

Here’s a general overview of the procedure:


– Individuals interested in buccal fat removal should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or a facial plastic surgeon to discuss goals, expectations, and potential risks.
– The surgeon will evaluate if the individual is a good candidate for the surgery, considering overall health, facial structure, and skin quality.


– Buccal fat removal in Iran is typically performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation, but it can also be done under general anesthesia.
– The surgeon makes a small incision on the inside of the cheek, often near the second upper molar.
– The buccal fat pad is gently teased out and excised.
– The amount of fat removed depends on the desired outcome and the surgeon’s assessment.
– The incision is then closed with sutures that may dissolve on their own or may need to be removed after a few days.


– Post-operative recovery may include swelling and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication and cold compresses.
– Patients are usually advised to follow a soft diet and avoid strenuous activities for a period after the surgery.
– Full recovery and the final result may take several weeks or even months as the swelling subsides.

Risks and Considerations:

– As with any surgery, there are risks such as infection, bleeding, or an adverse reaction to anesthesia.
– Potential for asymmetry, changes in facial expression, or dissatisfaction with the cosmetic outcome.
– The removal of too much fat can lead to a gaunt appearance, and the results are generally permanent.

It’s important to have realistic expectations and to discuss all the risks and benefits with a qualified surgeon. Additionally, the results are more subtle and natural-looking than what might be expected, and the full effect of the surgery may not be immediately apparent until all the swelling has gone down.

What to expect from buccal fat removal

When considering buccal fat removal in Iran , it’s essential to have a clear understanding of what the procedure entails and what to expect before, during, and after the surgery:


Consultation and Expectations:

– A detailed discussion with the surgeon about your aesthetic goals and the feasibility of achieving them with buccal fat removal.
– Evaluation of facial structure to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure.
– Guidance on the expected outcome and the risks involved.

Medical Evaluation:

– A thorough medical history review and possibly a physical examination to ensure you’re fit for surgery.
– You may be asked to stop taking certain medications or supplements that could increase bleeding risk.

The Procedure

– Typically, the procedure is done under local anesthesia with or without sedation, but general anesthesia is sometimes used.

– The surgeon makes small incisions inside the mouth, typically opposite the second upper molars.

Fat Removal:
– The buccal fat pads are exposed and carefully extracted.
– The amount removed is customized to your facial structure and desired outcome.

– The incisions inside the mouth are closed with sutures that may be dissolvable or require removal after a few days.

– The surgery usually takes about an hour.


Immediate Aftercare:
– You may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can last several days to weeks.
– Pain relief can be managed with prescribed or over-the-counter medications.

– A soft or liquid diet is often recommended for the first few days to avoid stressing the surgical sites.

– Avoid strenuous activities and exercise for a specified period as advised by your surgeon.

– You’ll have appointments to check your healing progress and remove any non-dissolvable sutures.

Healing Time:
– While recovery from the surgery itself may take a few weeks, the final results may take several months to become fully apparent as the swelling completely subsides.


Aesthetic Outcome:
– A slimmer, more contoured cheek appearance.
– Subtle changes that enhance facial angles and shadows.

– Results are typically permanent since the fat cells are removed.
– However, significant weight gain or loss can affect the results.

– Many patients are satisfied with the outcome, but it’s important to have realistic expectations.

Remember, individual experiences and recovery times can vary, and it’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s specific pre- and post-operative instructions to ensure the best possible results. Always choose a qualified and experienced surgeon for the procedure to minimize risks and complications.

Who is candidate for Buccal fat removal

The ideal candidate for buccal fat removal in Iran is someone who:

1. Has Pronounced Cheek Fullness:
– Individuals with naturally full or “chubby” cheeks that might make them feel self-conscious about their facial appearance are typical candidates.

2. Is at a Stable Weight:
– Candidates should be at a healthy and stable weight. If a person is planning to lose a significant amount of weight, they should wait, as weight loss can naturally reduce the size of the buccal fat pads.

3. Has Realistic Expectations:
– It’s crucial for patients to have realistic expectations about the results of the surgery. The changes are often subtle and enhance facial contours rather than creating a drastic difference.

4. Is in Good General Health:
– Candidates should be free from any medical conditions that might impair healing or increase the risk of surgery. They should not have any active infections, especially in the oral cavity.

5. Does Not Smoke:
– Smoking can delay healing and increase the risk of complications. Surgeons often require that patients stop smoking well in advance of the surgery and during the recovery period.

6. Does Not Have High Cheekbones:
– Patients with high cheekbones might not benefit from this procedure as it could lead to a gaunt appearance after fat removal.

7. Understands the Risks:
– Like any surgical procedure, buccal fat removal comes with risks, such as infection, bleeding, or asymmetry. Candidates must understand and accept these risks.

8. Is Not Too Young:
– Younger individuals may want to wait until their mid-20s to ensure that their facial structure has fully matured. This is because the face can naturally lose fat as a person ages.

9. Seeks Improvement, Not Perfection:
– Candidates should seek improvement rather than perfection and understand that the goal is to achieve a better balance and proportion of their facial features.

10. Has Specific Aesthetic Goals:
– Candidates should seek this procedure for specific aesthetic improvements that have been discussed with and understood by their surgeon.

It’s important for anyone considering buccal fat removal to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or a facial plastic surgeon who can provide a comprehensive assessment and determine if they’re an appropriate candidate for the surgery. The surgeon will evaluate the patient’s overall facial structure, skin quality, and fat distribution to ensure that the procedure will meet the patient’s expectations and that they are a good candidate for a successful outcome.

Is buccal fat removal cause sagging jawline

Buccal fat removal in Iran , when performed appropriately on a well-selected candidate, typically does not cause a sagging jawline. Instead, it is intended to reduce fullness in the lower cheeks to enhance facial contours. However, concerns about potential sagging can arise, especially if the procedure is not suited to the patient’s facial structure or too much fat is removed. Here are some points to consider:

1. Age Considerations:
– Young patients with good skin elasticity are less likely to experience sagging after buccal fat removal because their skin can better conform to the new facial contour.
– In older patients, or those with less skin elasticity, removing buccal fat could potentially exacerbate any pre-existing sagging or contribute to a hollow or gaunt look, as the skin may not retract as well following fat removal.

2. Amount of Fat Removed:
– Over-resection of the buccal fat pad can lead to a sunken appearance in the cheeks, which may accentuate any laxity along the jawline and create the impression of sagging.
– A skilled surgeon will carefully gauge how much fat to remove to prevent a hollow appearance and to mitigate the risk of affecting the jawline contour negatively.

3. Facial Structure:
– Each person’s facial structure is unique, and the presence of strong, well-defined jawlines may actually benefit from the contrast provided by buccal fat removal.
– Those with less defined facial features may run the risk of appearing older or more gaunt if the buccal fat pad is overly diminished.

4. Natural Aging Process:
– As people age, fat compartments in the face decrease in volume and facial tissues descend due to gravity. Buccal fat removal could potentially accelerate the appearance of aging in the mid to lower face in the long term.

5. Surgical Technique:
– The technique and experience of the surgeon play a crucial role in the outcome. A surgeon with a deep understanding of facial anatomy will aim to achieve a natural, balanced look.

6. Postoperative Changes:
– It’s important to consider that the facial appearance will continue to change after surgery as swelling subsides and tissues settle. Initial impressions may not represent the final outcome.

To minimize the risk of any unwanted changes in facial contour, such as a sagging jawline, it’s essential to seek out a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in facial procedures. A thorough preoperative evaluation and discussion about expectations and potential outcomes are critical in ensuring patient satisfaction and the best possible results from buccal fat removal surgery.

Recovery after buccal fat removal

Recovery after buccal fat removal in Iran is generally straightforward, but as with any surgical procedure, it involves a period of healing and adjustment. Here’s what patients can typically expect during the recovery process:

Immediate Postoperative Period

– Swelling and Bruising: It’s normal to experience some degree of swelling and bruising in the cheek area, which can last for several days to a few weeks.
– Discomfort: Some pain or discomfort can be expected, which can usually be managed with prescribed pain medication or over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
– Activity Restrictions: Patients are often advised to avoid strenuous activities and exercise for a week or two to prevent increasing blood pressure in the face, which could exacerbate swelling or bleeding.

Diet and Oral Hygiene

– Diet: A soft or liquid diet may be recommended for the first few days to minimize chewing and stress on the surgical sites.
– Hydration: It’s important to stay hydrated, but patients should use a straw or be gentle when drinking to avoid disturbing the incisions.
– Oral Hygiene: Keeping the mouth clean is crucial for preventing infection. Patients may be advised to gently rinse with saltwater or an antiseptic mouthwash after meals and before bed.

Follow-Up Care

– Suture Removal: If non-dissolvable sutures are used, they will typically be removed about a week after surgery.
– Check-Ups: Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor the healing process and to ensure that there are no complications.

Managing Expectations

– Immediate Results: While some changes may be noticeable immediately, the final results won’t be apparent until the swelling has completely subsided, which can take several months.
– Patience: Healing is a gradual process, and it’s important to be patient and follow the surgeon’s instructions for care.

Long-Term Recovery

– Gradual Changes: As the cheeks heal and the swelling diminishes, the contours of the face will become more apparent.
– Final Appearance: It may take up to several months for the outcome of the surgery to fully stabilize.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery

1. Follow Instructions: Adhere strictly to the post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon.
2. Rest: Give your body ample time to rest and heal, especially in the first few days after surgery.
3. Cold Compresses: Apply cold compresses to the cheek area to help reduce swelling, but follow the surgeon’s guidance on how often and how long to apply them.
4. Elevate Your Head: Sleeping with your head elevated can help reduce swelling.
5. Avoid Smoking: Smoking can significantly impair healing and should be avoided both before and after surgery.

Patients should always reach out to their surgeon if they have any concerns during recovery, especially if they notice unusual symptoms such as increased pain, signs of infection, or any other changes that don’t seem consistent with normal healing.

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